McClelland resigns as D-3 election commissioner
Published 5:00 am Thursday, July 5, 2007
Another race for political office was added to the Novembergeneral election Monday when District Three Election CommissionerFloye McClelland submitted her resignation to the county board ofsupervisors.
McClelland did not appear in person.
Instead, Chancery Clerk Tillmon Bishop read her resignationletter to the board. The resignation became effective immediatelyafter the board accepted her request Monday.
John Bennon “Benton” Case was selected by the board as areplacement after District Three Supervisor Nolan Earl Williamsonwas asked to suggest a capable alternate.
County Attorney Bob Allen said election commissioners will haveto determine a qualifying period for the office, but the electionwould be held on the same November ballot as other state and countypositions.
Case, 72, will serve in the capacity of election commissioneruntil January, when the candidate who wins the general electionwill take over.
“I’ll be honest and do what the job calls for,” he said.
Case has never held a political office and is not sure whetherhe will seek this one in November.
“I’ll wait and see,” he said. “I need to see what it consists offirst.”
When contacted later Monday, McClelland laughed in delight whentold who would be replace her.
“He’s one of my most ardent supporters,” she said. “He’ll do agood job.”
McClelland, 77, said she was resigning for reasons ofhealth.
It was a decision she should have made some time ago, McClellandsaid, but she hated the idea of leaving the office before the endof her term.
“I’ve certainly enjoyed the time I’ve been up there,” she said.”The people of District Three are good people and will help youwhen they can, but age has caught up to me and I just think this isbest.”
Good news for the popular election commissioner came last week,however. She said her doctor told her that her medical conditionwas improving.
McClelland was appointed as an election commissioner in November2001 as a replacement for her husband, Bernard, who died while inoffice. Bernard McClelland had served in the office for nearly adecade.
Floye McClelland won the 2003 election to continue holding theoffice.