Rally draws candidates, large crowd
Published 5:00 am Monday, July 2, 2007
Local politicians turned out in force Saturday at the BrookhavenRecreation Department to air their views and shake the hands oftheir constituents.
The political rally was attended by 40 political candidates,most of whom spoke in random order, to a crowd of around 300friends, family, pundits and well-wishers.
Terry Nations, of Brookhaven, said events like the politicalrally are important to the political life of Lincoln County andBrookhaven because it gives voters a chance to see who they’redealing with on August 7.
“This is a great opportunity,” he said. “This way you’ll knowwho’s the most qualified for the job. It’s nice to be able to hearall the candidates and to know where they stand on the issues.”
House District 92 Rep. Dr. Jim Barnett attended the event, andhighlighted the fact that local candidates often don’t have achance to log face time before their constituents.
“TV doesn’t touch people in local races,” he said. “It’simportant for them to have this time to really let their votersknow what it is they stand for.”
Barnett said the rally is the kind of situation local candidatesneed to get their messages out to a public that may not bewell-informed on all the issues.
“This is so beneficial for them, because people get to hear thecandidates, but they also get to talk to them one on one,” he said.”There should be more of this kind of thing before every localelection.”
Brookhaven’s Kelly Bessonnette said she chose to come to therally because it gave her a chance to compare and mull the messagesthe candidates had to share, and to form some opinions on the racesshe was less familiar with.
“It’s a good way to meet them and learn about their views andtheir backgrounds,” she said. “Now I’m able to understand a littlebetter what some of them stand for.”
Tommy Purvis, who organized and sponsored the rally with hiswife Sherry, said they were thrilled with the turnout and thesupport they had received from the community.
“This turnout is great, that’s the best way to say it. It’s alot better than we expected,” he said. “I think it’s great thatpeople turned out to support their candidates and learn more aboutthe issues, not to mention to fellowship with each other.”
Purvis said the number of children present at the rally was alsoa source of encouragement.
“If we don’t start them young, we’re going to lose them,” hesaid.