Brookway land owner mum on tenant options

Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Citizens of Brookhaven had been promised that the annexationwould begin to attract new businesses. And in preparation for that,the area behind the Wendy’s on Brookway Boulevard will soon beginto change.

Hal Samuels, a businessman who owned the tract of land, has soldit to Renaissance Holding Group out of Hot Springs, Ark.

The project is tentatively being called Brookhaven Plaza.

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According to City Building Inspector Walter Temple, the processis under way to start the work on the 50,000 square feet ofshopping space.

“As I understand it, they’re getting the prices together rightnow,” he said.

The project will involve two different buildings which will be38,000 feet and 12,000 respectively. They will make up a strip mallwhich will house 16 tenants, according to architect Pat Lamers ofthe Dallas-based architectural firm Wallace Design Group.

“We’re showing six tenants in the smaller one and 10 in thelarger at this time, but that’s subject to change as I understandit as the owner signs up tenants,” said Lamers. “It’s possible thatthe lease sizes may change, but the plan we have drawn up we’reshowing 16 tenants.”

Project Manager Gary Burkhart, who is contracted by HamContractors to do the actual building, said the project is ready toroll.

“Right now we’re hoping we can start the dirt work this week -if it’s not too wet,” he said.

He said Ham Contractors has been instructed to build thestructures, but they haven’t been told if there are specific storesthat have been planned for the strip mall.

“Right now we’re just building the boxes,” he said. “I’m surethey’ve got clients, but at this point I’m not sure who theyare.”

Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce ExecutiveVice-president Cliff Brumfield said the development should be anexciting addition to the Boulevard area.

“It’s hoped and expected that there will be some structuresbuilt and then marketed to retailers that would fit well within theBrookhaven market,” he said. “A larger anchor-type store in therear of the facility as shown in the plans that have been filed atcity hall would be a great opportunity for a dry goods retailer,which has long been missing from the Brookhaven market.”

Connie Knippers, a spokeswoman for Renaissance, said the projectis expected to bring in some national retailers, though Renaissanceis not ready to release any of the prospect names.

“I’m sure there will be some national companies there who arewilling to relocate there. We have very open options,” she said.”We have a lot of things that will entice them. “

Knippers said the project is definitely open to local retailersas well, and anyone with questions is encouraged to callRenaissance at (501) 318-1061.

Brumfield said with the annexation in effect, the advent ofBrookhaven Plaza comes at a great time.

“The economic indicators at this time of annexation all point toa good retail future in our area,” he said. “The timing of thisbodes well for Brookhaven.”