Mother, daughter killed, two hurt in 550 accident
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, June 20, 2007
A midday wreck on Highway 550 took the lives of a Lincoln Countywoman and her 6-year-old daughter and left two others hospitalizedMonday, authorities said.
Alicia Tyler, 30, was traveling eastbound on Highway 550 whenher car crossed over into the westbound lane, said MississippiHighway Patrol Public Affairs Officer Rusty Boyd. It was at thecurve in front of a residence at 1508 Highway 550 that her 1996Mazda Protege collided with a 1982 Oldsmobile driven by 82-year-oldGeneal Fuller.
“The point of impact determined at the scene shows that she wasin westbound lane,” said Boyd. “The vehicles struck head-on. Therewas some angle in it, but it was pretty much head-on.”
Fuller was transported to King’s Daughters Medical Center, fromwhich he was flown to University Medical Center.
Fuller is currently being held in a critical care unit andlisted in serious condition. A UMC official said this is animprovement from Monday night’s critical condition.
Nine-year-old Cheyenne Tyler was ejected from her mother’svehicle and was taken to KDMC with a broken leg. She wastransported from there to UMC, where officials say she is in faircondition.
Her sister Brandie Tyler, 6, was killed in the accident.
“Best we could determine, both kids were in the backseat.Brandie was on the right and Cheyenne was in the left,” Boyd said.”If anyone had been in the front seat they wouldn’t havesurvived.”
Both Brandie and Alicia Tyler were pronounced dead at the scene,Boyd said.
“There were no seat belts used at all,” Boyd said.
The speed of the automobiles at impact was undetermined.