Boys State leads local man to political arena
Published 5:00 am Monday, June 4, 2007
Jacob Ray, whose Southwest Mississippi roots run deep, creditsthe Boys State program with getting him interested in politics.
Now the McComb native with the Brookhaven roots has thrown hishat in the state arena, running for State Auditor.
“Boys State was really my first experience with politics,” hesaid. “It made a real impact to me to have time with each candidateand be able to ask them questions.”
Ray said his experience with Boys State as a junior in highschool led him to volunteer for Ronnie Musgrove’s campaign.
“I was the kid who stuck signs in the yards,” he said,laughing.
Working with Rod Nixon’s campaign for State Auditor was also animportant landmark in Ray’s budding campaign.
“It really prepared me,” he said. “And I majored in politicalscience and got my law degree, and I already had more experiencethan a lot of people that age.”
Part of Ray’s preparation began a lot earlier than that, though.He said a very important part of his youth was spent as a counselorat Camp Sunshine, a camp for mentally and physically challengedchildren and adults, which his parents founded in 1976.
“The values I learned early on – honesty, integrity, and a harddays work – continue to be the moral compass that guide me today,”he said.
He said splitting his younger years between McComb andBrookhaven really gave him a respect and understanding for thepeople of this area of the state.
“I love this state,” he said. “The people are so diverse. Andthere’s so much we can influence from Southwest Mississippi at thestate level.”
Ray said his campaign for state auditor is part of his dream ofbecoming the kind of politician his state can be proud of, but alsoit’s a part of his plan to affect change for the whole state thathe loves.
“The bottom line in this office is trust and accountability,” hesaid. “And the best thing about politics is there’s no copyright onideas, so I’ve been spending time talking to other state’s auditorsand finding out what works in their states.”
But Ray returns from his political conversation to the mostimportant things in his life: family and faith. Married to hiscollege sweetheart, Heather Willis, Ray makes sure to find time todo missions and other work for the Presbyterian Church he wasraised a part of.
“God has put us here to take care of other people,” he said. “Ireally believe to he whom much is given, much is required.”
But Ray is careful to say that while he will be in politics aslong as he feels the Lord is leading him to do so, he also dreamsone day of being able to return to the part of the state he lovesso much.
“I’m excited to be the only state candidate from this area,because it gives me the chance to represent my home,” he said. “ButI hate that I can’t live here at this time. My job is in Jackson,but Southwest Mississippi will always be my home.”