Truck mishap also includes chemical spill

Published 5:00 am Thursday, March 22, 2007

An 18-wheeler carrying sodium hydroxide, classified as a causticalkalides, turned over today about 3:50 a.m. on Highway 84 inSilver Creek, officials said.

According to Hugh Summers, assistant chief of the MonticelloFire Department, driver Matthew Thomas of Baton Rouge, La. waspinned under the cab when officials arrived on the scene. Rescueworkers used air bags and the Jaws of Life to free him and he wastransported to Hattiesburg for medical care.

Thomas is a driver for Safeway Transport Incorporated out ofPort Allen, La., Summers said.

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Fire department officials remained on the scene until 6:30 a.m.Mississippi Highway Patrol authorities and hazardous materialscrews out of Jackson were still on the scene as of 10 o’clock thismorning.

Officials say while the sodium hydroxide is caustic and poses anenvironmental hazard, as well as a threat in cases of direct skinexposure, there is no danger from inhalation. Therefore, the roadis still open.

The spillage occurred into the side of the highway.