Officials mull prospects of old MHP building
Published 6:00 am Monday, January 22, 2007
Following a tour Friday, the Board of Aldermen is reconsideringa previous decision regarding relocating the Brookhaven PoliceDepartment to the old Mississippi Highway Patrol building onHighway 51.
After discussing the expenses of renovating the property, whichhas stood vacant since February 2002, the board decided to make amotion at the next meeting to have the property reappraised andopen it to bids again. Alderman D.W. Maxwell said a possibleproperty sale was a matter that needed to be revisited.
“I feel like we need to explore it,” Maxwell said of theproposal, which would allow proceeds to be used toward a newbuilding for the BPD. “I’d like to see (the police department) geta new facility.”
Director of Public Works Steve Moreton judged the MHP buildingto be structurally extremely sound.
“They don’t put up buildings like this anymore,” said Moreton.”The structure of this building is in good shape.”
The city had the property appraised for about $250,000 andsought bids in June of 2006.
The high bid was around $180,000 at the time. Currently the cityhas $150,000 in the budget for the police station relocation, aswell as a community facilities grant through USDA Rural Developmentof $61,775.
Chief Pap Henderson accompanied the board on Friday’s tour,pointing out where the police department would put things such asoffices and an evidence room. He stated, however, that the policedepartment will be grateful for the new facility no matter where itends up.
“We want something we can be proud of and the city of Brookhavencan be proud of,” said Henderson. “What we want is what’s best forthe city of Brookhaven. I’m a patient person. Whatever the citycomes up with, I’ll be satisfied.”
Aldermen briefly discussed other properties to look into,including the lot next to the courthouse. But they did not rule outthe old highway patrol building.
“We can remodel this building. It’s obvious that it’sstructurally sound, but there are some things that need to bedone,” said Mayor Bob Massengill. “The board has got a decision tomake and I can’t tell you the right thing to do because I don’tknow.”
Alderwoman Shirley Estes summed up why the decision will taketime for the board, stating that it would be a shame to let such astructurally sound building go to waste.
“You just don’t want an old building. You want to start fresh,”said Estes. “But this building is a bird in the hand.”