Obituaries for Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Dalton Case
Services for Dalton Case, of Brookhaven, are 11 a.m. Wednesday,Jan. 3, at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church in McComb with burial inRiverwood Memorial Park. Riverwood Family Funeral Service is incharge of arrangements. Father William F. Henry will officiate.
Visitation is today from 6 until 8 p.m. at the church.
Mr. Case, 65, died Dec. 31, 2006, at his residence. He was bornon Dec. 31, 1941, to Willie Cleveland Smith and Winnie Smith.
He was a landman. He served in the U.S. Air Force. He was amember of Knights of Columbus. He was a member of St. AlphonsusCatholic Church.
Preceding him in death were his parents and his brother, WillieCase.
Survivors are his wife, Judy Nettles Case, of Brookhaven; hissons, Dusty Case and wife Trish, of Denham Springs, La., and MarkChristopher Case, of Brookhaven; his brother, John Melvin Case, ofBrookhaven; his sisters, Winnie Ruth Hodges and Betty Joyce Smith,both of Brookhaven; his grandchildren, Kellie Ann Case, BrittanyLynn Case, Lindsey Leigh Case and Dylan Elih Case.
Pallbearers are Gene Hodges, Brad Hodges, Ben Hodges, Charlie L.Smith Jr., Hugh Redhead and Ricky Nettles.
Honorary pallbearers are the Knights of Columbus, Charles R.Britt Council.
Memorials may be made to the St. Alphonsus Catholic ChurchBuilding Fund or Hospice Ministries, Inc., P.O. Box 3490,Brookhaven MS 39602.
Eleanor Lucille Ford
Graveside services for Eleanor Lucille Ford, of Brookhaven, weretoday, Jan. 2, at Terry Cemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home was incharge of arrangements.
Mrs. Ford, 84, died Dec. 30, 2006, at King’s Daughters MedicalCenter. She was born on Feb. 28, 1922, to Christopher Silianoff andLucille Silvenski.
She was a member of First Baptist Church in Brookhaven.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, Max HenryFord; and two brothers.
Survivors are her son, Chris Ford, of Memphis, Tenn.; herdaughter, Jean Thornhill, of Hattiesburg; her sister, SylviaTucker, of Florence; her grandchildren, Katie Thornhill andChandler Ford; her nephew, Dave Tucker, of Florence; and hernieces, Karyn Geist and Carol Ann Furlan, both of Illinois; SharionSmith, of Florence; and other nieces and nephews.
Pallbearers are Dave Tucker, John Smith, Rod Tucker, Jim Bolin,Don Driskell and Millard Smith.
Memorials may be made to the American Cancer Society, theAmerican Heart Association or St. Jude Children’s ResearchHospital.
Albert Wesley Kyzar Jr.
Services for Albert Wesley “Al” Kyzar Jr., of Laurel, wereSaturday, Dec. 30, at Memory Chapel Funeral Home in Laurel withburial in Sunset Gardens Cemetery in Laurel.
Mr. Kyzar, 83, died Dec. 28, 2006, at his residence. He was bornon June 2, 1923, to Albert W. Kyzar Sr. and Carrie TownsendKyzar.
He was a retired petroleum engineer. He was a former drillsergeant with the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, Calif.,and served in World War II from which he was awarded a PurpleHeart. He was a member of Salem Heights Baptist Church inLaurel.
Preceding him in death were his parents; a sister, Winnie BellHall; a brother, Bill Kyzar; and a grandson, Kevin Cockrell.
Survivors are his wife of 46 years, Casceal “Ciel” Kyzar; hissister, Lavada Boyte, of Brookhaven; his sons, Robert Harper, ofPrentiss, John Kyzar, of Laurel, and Billy Kyzar, of Jackson; hisdaughters, Patricia Barnes, of Oakvale, Cathy Cockrell, of Laurel,and Renee Williamson, of Jacksonville, Fla.; his 14 grandchildren,17 great-grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews.
Bula C. Metz
Services for Bula C. Metz, of Brookhaven, were 11 a.m. Monday,Jan. 1, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel on Natchez Drive withburial in Pleasant Grove Baptist Church Cemetery in Brookhaven.
Mrs. Metz, 77, died Dec. 30, 2006, at her home. She was born inSontag on Aug. 12, 1929, to Otto Cox and Leona Cook Cox.
She was a retired secretary to the athletic director ofLouisiana State University in Baton Rouge, La. She was a member ofPleasant Grove Baptist Church. She attended Montreat College inNorth Carolina.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her son, Frank GlennMetz Jr.; her brothers, Jode Cox and Buddy Cox; and her sister,Billie Jean Harris.
Survivors are her husband, Frank Glenn Metz, of Brookhaven; hersons, Roddie Metz and wife, Shari W., of Greenwell Springs, La.,Ricky Metz and wife, Linda, of Tylertown, and Randy Metz and wife,Gladys, of Freeport, Texas; her daughter, Sue Ann Hibbard andhusband, Randy, of Walker, La.; her brothers, Jackie Cox and wife,Roberta, of Texas, and Richard Cox and wife, Connie, of Arkansas;her sister Marlene Brumfield and husband, Jack, of Zawala, La., andJoyce Pardue and husband, Raymond, of Greenwell Springs, La.; andher 15 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren.
Mrs. Metz’s grandsons will serve as pallbearers.
Berniece Lewman Price
Services for Berniece Evelyn Lewman Price, of McComb, are 10:30a.m. Thursday, Jan. 4, at J.J. White Memorial Presbyterian Churchin McComb with burial in Moak’s Creek Baptist Church Cemetery inLincoln County. Hartman Funeral Home of McComb is in charge ofarrangements.
Visitation is Thursday from 9 until 10:30 a.m. at thechurch.
Mrs. Price, 95, died Dec. 29, 2006, at Camellia Estates inMcComb. She was born in Cleveland, Ohio, on June 17, 1911, toOrthillo Vernilion Lewman and Minnie Stockdale Lewman.
She was a graduate of McComb High School and attendedMississippi Women’s College in Hattiesburg. She was a retired bankbookkeeper with Mechanics State Bank, and Deposit and GuarantyNational Bank in McComb. She was a lifelong member of J.J. WhiteMemorial Presbyterian Church and was a choir member and soloist.She was a member of Rebekkah Lodge of the Order of the EasternStar.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, E.J. PriceSr., of McComb; her brothers, Charles O. Lewman, of Summit, RussellO. Lewman, of McComb, and Harold W. Lewman, of Dallas, Texas.
Survivors are her son, Dr. E.J. Price Jr. and wife Lyn, ofMcComb; her grandsons, David L. Price and wife Lucie, of Bishop,Ga., Stephen H. Price and wife Judy, of Nashville, Tenn., Philip L.Price and wife Lacy, of Houston, Texas, Judge David H. Strong andwife Alison, of McComb, Dr. Mark H. Strong, of Tupelo, Jason H.Strong and wife Saundra, of Jackson, and Patrick H. Strong, ofBirmingham, Ala.; her great-grandchildren, Bill Price and wifeSandi, of Woodstock, Ga., Benjamin, Maggie and Lily Price, all ofBishop, Ian, Susannah and Julie Rose Price and Elizabeth Blade, allof Nashville, Madison Price, of Houston, William and WhitneyStrong, of McComb, and Luke, Anna Cate and Jack Strong, all ofTupelo; her nephews and nieces, Dan Lewman Sr. and wife Betty, ofGreen River, Wyo., Mignonne Price and Bill Lewman and wife Hudora,all of Summit, Marie Eisworth, of Plano, Texas, Rowena Carlock andhusband Henry, of Franklin, Tenn., and Walter R. Grice, of BatonRouge, La.
Pallbearers are Steve Blue, Larry Dorr, Dan Lewman Jr., Dr.Donald Price, Whitney Rawlings and Noggin Wild.
Clarence Stephens ‘Steve’ Puckett
A memorial service for Clarence Stephens “Steve” Puckett, ofCanton, was held today, Jan. 2, at Meadville United MethodistChurch in Meadville. Franklin Funeral Home in Meadville is incharge of arrangements.
Mr. Puckett, 55, died Dec. 29, 2006. He was born in Ripley onFeb. 7, 1951 during one of the state’s worst ice storms.
He was a construction worker with Kenneth L. Simmons’ HomeWorks.
Preceding him in death were his parents. C.L. Puckett and M.Ophelia Southward Puckett.
Survivors are his sister, Barbara Puckett Herring and husbandEd, of Meadville; his brother, Charles Thomas “Tom” Puckett andwife Shirlee, of Madison; and his three nephews, two nieces, sixgreat-nephews and three great-nieces.
Memorials may be made to the Brookhaven Animal Rescue League,P.O. Box 3477, Brookhaven MS 39603, or to the Meadville UnitedMethodist Church Building Fund, P.O. Box 676, Meadville MS39653.
Milton Abrams Schlesinger
Services for Milton Abrams Schlesinger, of Macon, Ga., formerlyof Hattiesburg are 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 4, at Temple B’nai Israelin Hattiesburg. A brief interment ceremony will be held at theHattiesburg Cemetery directly following the funeral. HulettWinstead Funeral Home of Hattiesburg is in charge ofarrangements.
Visitation is Thursday from 10 until 11 a.m. at the church.
Mr. Schlesinger, 81, died Dec. 30, 2006, following a long battlewith cancer.
Originally from Brookhaven, Mr. Schlesinger was the owner andmanager of The Shirley Slipper Shop and The Boston Shoe Store, bothof which he ran until 1969, when he moved from Brookhaven toHattiesburg to enter into the practice of law. He retired from hislaw practice in December 1999. He and his wife, Cecile, moved toMacon in January 2000.
Mr. Schlesinger was very active in the Kiwanis Club prior to hismove to Hattiesburg. He was a member of, and served asCongregational President of, Temple B’nai Shalom in Brookhaven andTemple B’nai Israel in Hattiesburg.
He was a World War II veteran, having served in the U.S. ArmyAir Corps as a bombardier.
Survivors are his wife, Cecile Ginsberg Schlesinger, of Macon,Ga.; his children, Sue Brook, of Marietta, Ga., Sharon Shedd, ofAurora, Colo., and Dr. Louis Schlesinger, of Macon; his sister,Shirley Gurwitch, of Hattiesburg; his grandchildren, Brittany BrookDasher, of Winston-Salem, N.C., Rich Harrington, of Sacramento,Calif., Jeremy Brook, of Athens, Ga., and Rachel Schlesinger, ofMacon; and his aunt, Vera Abrams Davis, of Jackson.
Memorials may be made to Temple B’nai Shalom, P.O. Box 157,Wesson, MS 39191; Temple B’nai Israel, P.O. Box 15636, Hattiesburg,MS 39404-5636; the American Cancer Society; the Alzheimer’sAssociation, or to any charity interested parties so desire.