Police pursue suspect in Sunday robbery spree

Published 6:00 am Monday, December 18, 2006

Law enforcement officers are searching for a man suspected in acity crime spree Sunday that involved seven robberies and anassault on a convenience store clerk.

“We do have a suspect. We just don’t have our hands on him,”said Brookhaven Assistant Police Chief Nolan Jones.

Charges against the man Monday morning included five counts ofarmed robbery, two of simple robbery and one assault. Other chargeswill also be filed, Jones said.

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One arrest has been made in the case. A female accomplice is incustody at the Lincoln County Jail, Jones said.

The wave of robberies began early Sunday morning when a blackman and woman approached a Mexican man at a South Cleveland Avenueresidence, Jones said.

“They pulled a handgun and took his wallet,” Jones said. “Thenthey went inside, where there were four more Mexican males.”

Three of the men inside the home were robbed, he said. Thefourth was asleep in another room and escaped notice.

The suspects fled on two of the men’s bicycles, Jones said.

The crime was not reported until nearly 10 a.m., the assistantchief said.

However, officers were able to identify and arrest the femalesuspect on four counts of armed robberies shortly after the crimewas reported, Jones said. The 19-year-old woman’s name is beingwithheld while officers pursue the man.

Following the woman’s arrest, the man began targetingconvenience stores.

At 5:28 p.m., the man allegedly assaulted a clerk at the HappyFood Mart and attempted to rob the store, but fled on foot withouttaking any cash, Jones said. No weapon was used.

A few hours later, at 8 p.m., the same suspect threatened aclerk at Serio’s Grocery and stole cigarettes and an undisclosedamount of cash. Again, no weapon was displayed, he said.

However, during a 9:48 p.m. robbery at the Startown Food Mart,the suspect brandished a knife, Jones said.

“The clerk had a knife pulled on her and he took an undisclosedamount of cash,” the assistant chief said.

Officers have not recovered the handgun allegedly used in thefirst robbery, Jones said, and he could not say why it was not usedin the other crimes.

Officers believe they know the identity of the suspect and hopeto have him in custody by the end of the day, Jones said.