Teacher chalks up ‘Hometown Bucks’ win
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Kim Oberschmidt, a fourth grade teacher at Brookhaven ElementarySchool, said she nearly missed her opportunity to become the firstwinner of $100 in “Hometown Bucks” in The DAILY LEADER’S annualHometown Christmas promotion.
She said she slid her winning entry in the box just beforeBertha’s Flower Shop closed on Friday, Nov 10.
“It was almost 5 p.m. on Friday and I was trying to get in thestore before she closed,” Oberschmidt said. “I’m very happy andthankful. God is good.”
Other customers continued to register at the store Saturday. Thewinning entry is drawn on Mondays.
The teacher said it was her first time to enter the seasonalcampaign designed to encourage area shoppers to shop local.
“I probably wouldn’t have even entered that day if the ownerhadn’t mentioned it,” Oberschmidt said. “I’ve heard about (hometownbucks), but I hadn’t been anywhere where it caught my eye. I’m gladI entered it.”
The $100 in “Hometown Bucks” can be spent at any of themerchants participating in the promotion. Participating merchantsthis year include:
* Gad’s
* Harvey Electronics
* Bertha’s Florist
* Celebrations
* Bank of Brookhaven
* Furniture Factory Outlet
* Millane’s
* Betty Ann’s
* Sisters By Design
* State Bank
* T.H. Perkins Furniture Co.
* Trustmark Bank
Forms and boxes have been placed at each merchant location forshoppers to submit entries. Residents may register at the banks butmay not spend their winnings there. Participants must be at least18 years old to enter.
Every week during the contest, one name is drawn from eachparticipating merchant. From those, one name is drawn for theweekly $100 prize.
All entries are saved and at the end of the contest on Dec. 16,the $500 grand prize winner is drawn.