Mayor, board travel right direction with blvd. work
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 13, 2006
Brookhaven officials are taking an active stance toward sprucingup one of the main entrances to the city, Brookway Boulevard, andmore improvements are in the early stages.
City officials last week voted to move forward with plans toinstall welcome signs on the boulevard and to re-stripe thethoroughfare. The welcome signs are being funded as part of a signand lighting grant focusing on the downtown area while the stripingwork is coming from available city funds.
Both projects are needed.
City leaders are not stopping there, however.
With the city expecting to take over maintenance of theBrookway-Interstate 55 interchange, officials have been discussinghow to enhance that area’s appearance.
Also along the boulevard, the upcoming striping is intended tobe temporary until the city is able to repave the entire stretchbetween Highway 51 and the interstate. City leaders, hesitant tospeak a cost estimate, recognize it will be several years beforethey are able to save up enough funds to do the work.
Another project suggested by Mayor Bob Massengill during lastweek’s board meeting was the return of medians to the boulevard.The removal of the medians – done during a previous administration- opened up the boulevard from a traffic standpoint but also wipedaway any community appearance benefits they served.
The medians, when placed in the proper locations and handledwith care and maintenance, could greatly enhance boulevard beautyand safety. They would certainly go a long way toward addressingthe “crash lane” situation that exists now when motorists try tomake turns against the flow of traffic.
The current projects being pursued by the city are important andneed to be done. And discussion of plans for paving and possiblemedians show the mayor and board are traveling in the rightdirection on those projects as well.