Boys State opens Saturday
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 26, 2006
Gov. Haley Barbour and a host of other elected officials arescheduled to speak during the 64th annual American Legion BoysState on the campus of Copiah-Lincoln Community College thisweek.
Boys State runs this Saturday through June 2. It is a programdesigned to educate high school students about state government andpolitics, and to encourage participation in both.
Gwyn Young, vice president of student services, said between 275and 300 high school students will arrive Saturday to move in andorganize their activities.
“These are the top 300 rising stars in Mississippi today,” saidSteve Guyton, Boys State public relations director.
An optional church service will be offered Sunday, among otherscheduled activities.
The program includes a May 31 visit to Jackson, where Boys Stateofficers are sworn in.
Joining Barbour on the speakers’ list are Lt. Gov. Amy Tuck,Attorney General Jim Hood, state Treasurer Tate Reeves, Secretaryof State Eric Clark, state Auditor Phil Bryant, state Rep. JamieFranks, D-Mooreville, and state Sen. Charlie Ross, R-Brandon.
Barbour, Tuck, Reeves, Bryant and Ross are Republicans, andHood, Clark and Franks are a Democrats.
Young said the speaking schedule is subject to the speakers’availability, but a tentative schedule has been made. The speechesare open only to Boys State delegates.