Man charged in robbery after chase
Published 5:00 am Thursday, April 13, 2006
A Hurricane Katrina evacuee was arrested and charged with armedrobbery after allegedly robbing a Monticello convenience store andleading authorities on a car chase late Tuesday, officialssaid.
William Hale, 44, was apprehended shortly after midnight afterhe allegedly entered Duncan Chevron in Monticello, robbed the clerkat gunpoint and led police on a 15-mile car chase that ended at hisSilver Creek residence, said Monticello Police Chief DavidStanley.
“The case is pretty cut and dry,” Stanley said. “He is beingcharged with armed robbery, possession of a firearm by a convictedfelon, and felony fleeing.”
Hale allegedly entered the convenience store at 11:51 p.m.Tuesday, robbed the clerk and took money from both cashregisters.
“The clerk called 911 and gave a description of the subject andhis car,” Stanley said.
Officer John Paul Martin spotted Hale’s 1997 Oldsmobiletraveling east on Highway 84. Martin attempted to pull the subjectover, but Hale refused and a chase began.
When Martin arrived at his residence at 2559 River Road, heabandoned his car and was overtaken by Monticello police officers,Stanley said.
“He refused to comply with officers,” Stanley said.
Hale eventually surrendered to law enforcement officers and laidon the ground.
“We found the stolen money and a .45 semi-automatic pistoltucked into his waste band,” Stanley said.
Hale has an extensive criminal record including robbery, rape,and kidnapping, but no prior offenses in Mississippi, Stanley said.He formerly lived in the Lower Ninth Ward of New Orleans and, afterbeing displaced by Hurricane Katrina, is now living in SilverCreek.
Lawrence County sheriff’s deputies and New Hebron policeofficers assisted in the pursuit and apprehension.
“I’d like to commend everyone involved,” Stanley said. “Theytook a situation that could have turned deadly, kept their cool andtook the subject into custody.”