Feb. sales taxes good, not great
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 3, 2006
While Brookhaven’s February sales tax totals were not as robustas previous months, city officials nevertheless remained optimisticabout collections.
At $356,741.66 for last month, Brookhaven’s collection were upmore than $50,000 over February 2005’s $305,411.92. However, totalsfor several previous months were over $400,000 and January’scollections were over $500,000.
Mayor Bob Massengill said he is disappointed any time the city’scollections are less than $400,000 a month. He pointed out, though,last month’s collections are for January, which is typically a slowmonth.
“January and April sales, as a rule are our lowest months. Itwas not totally unexpected,” Massengill said.
With a few exceptions, February was the lowest collections monthfor cities in situations similar to Brookhaven, Massengill said.Statewide, Brookhaven placed 24th among the state’s topcollectors.
Also, for the state fiscal year, which began in July, Brookhavenpassed the $3 million mark a month earlier than last year.
So far in FY 2006, Brookhaven has collected $3,245,892.54compared to $2,720,729.73 in 2005. That represented yearly growthof over 19 percent, which is the highest rate in southwestMississippi.
City officials budget to collect $350,000 a month in sales tax.The February total surpassed that expectation and still leaves thecity in a good position.
“Overall, we’ve done well so far this year,” Massengill said.”We feel good the February totals will be good when we get thosetotals.”