City extending street paving
Published 6:00 am Thursday, February 9, 2006
A downtown paving project will be able to be completed asoriginally envisioned, an engineer told city officials Tuesday.
Jeff Green, with Engineering Associates, said street foundationrepairs in the recent paving project were not as costly asanticipated. Therefore, the city will be able to pave a section ofNorth Jackson Street to just above Cherry Street to complete workon all streets affected by the Whitworth Fire Loop project severalyears ago.
“We will still have a surplus of money when we finish,” saidGreen, estimating that amount to be around $66,000.
In addition to the paving, Green said the project will includethe necessary handicap ramps for sidewalks along the streetsection. He said that should improve access around BrookhavenFuneral Home.
With the added work and to save money, Green said striping ofdowntown streets will be delayed until all the paving is completed.City officials said they hope the new paving work can beginsoon.
Regarding the surplus funds, Green said it could be rolled overuntil next year for another project.
Mayor Bob Massengill said the city receives about $112,000 ayear in federal road funds for projects. He said the surplus andyearly allocations could be combined for future work.
“Somewhere down the road, this board will be able to do a prettygood paving project,” the mayor said.
In other action, aldermen approved a $400,873 project forerosion control work along a ditch near Halbert Heights Road. Thebid by Lampkin Construction was the lowest of five received.
“This is well within the money and we’re well-pleased with thecontract,” Massengill said.
The city has received a grant from the Natural ResourcesConservation Service to do the work.
Also Tuesday, aldermen approved new ordinances regardingbackflow prevention testing and grease trap maintenance.
The backflow testing applies to businesses that use chemicalsthat could come back into the city water supply. The backflowdevices are required to be tested periodically to prevent that fromhappening.
Public Works Director Steve Moreton said 53 city water customersare not in compliance with the testing requirements. The newordinance sets up a $250 fine and reauthorizes the cutting off ofcity water for non-compliance.
“We can’t allow this to continue, we’ve got to nip it now,”Massengill said.
The grease trap ordinance is designed to prevent waste greasefrom getting into city drains and clogging them up. The ordinancesets up a $100 fine for violation.
Moreton said he would be sending letters or personallycontacting businesses affected by the two ordinances to ensuretesting is done.
In city promotional matters, aldermen approved a $600 purchasefor 12 new city logo flags. Also, Moreton said decorative licenseplates with the city’s logo are available for $5 each at the cityclerk’s office.