Mayor: City won’t seek project grant this year
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The city will not pursue a Community Development Block Grantproject this year due to time constraints involved in preparing theproject application, Mayor Bob Massengill informed aldermen Tuesdaynight.
Officials were considering a grant-funded Saint George Streetsewer project as part of an overall plan for improvements. However,Massengill said he thought the city would be “rushed” to get anecessary survey and other paperwork done by the Feb. 16application submission deadline.
“I felt we started too late on this this year,” the mayorsaid.
Planning consultant Woody Sample discussed the project andothers with city officials during a meeting last month. He detailedthe points systems for awarding the competitive grants and thecity’s likelihood of success.
Following up on Sample’s comments, Massengill said last nightthe city’s 1999 project was not completed in a timely manner. Hesaid he thought that would hurt the city’s application.
“We have to get every point possible to be approved,” Massengillsaid.
The mayor said city officials would start sooner and be betterprepared to submit an application for a grant next year.
Also last night, aldermen aired some garbage pickup concernswith Trevor Ash, manager for Waste Management. Ash assured boardmembers he would talk with drivers and try to be more consistentregarding pickup times and not missing city streets.
In a related matter, Waste Management has informed the city of a25 cents per house increase in the garbage fee to the city for itsservices. Massengill said the city cannot raise residents’ garbagefees and the city would have to absorb the approximately $850 amonth cost for the service.
Among city appointments, aldermen approved Brad Boerner as thenew city prosecutor to replace Raymond Boutwell. Boerner andattorney Carlisle Henderson had sought the position.
“We all think they’re both nice young men, but only one can beelected,” Massengill said.
Also, Cameron Smith was named to the Brookhaven Parks Commissionto replace long-time member Graham Tempel, who is stepping downbecause of family concerns. Alderman at large Les Bumgarner, aformer member of the commission, touted Tempel’s work on therecreation board.
“He really has served the city well,” Bumgarner said.