Asst. fire chief on suspension without his pay
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Brookhaven Assistant Fire Chief Fred Smith Jr. was suspendedwithout pay for one week Monday as authorities continued lookinginto an alleged shooting and aggravated assault on Thanksgivingday.
Following an executive session, aldermen voted 3-2 for thesuspension. Officials expect to bring up the matter again duringnext Tuesday’s regular board meeting.
“We’ve made no decision as to his ultimate determination,” CityAttorney Joe Fernald said, citing limited information available tothe board about the case plus the fact that Smith is innocent untilproven guilty.
Monday’s closed session, which included discussions with Fire ChiefBob Watts and Police Chief Pap Henderson, lasted more than anhour.
Aldermen Shirley Estes, Dorsey Cameron and Buddy Allen voted infavor of the suspension, while Aldermen Terry Bates and D.W.Maxwell opposed the motion. Bates and Maxwell had no comment ontheir action following the meeting.
Mayor Bob Massengill said Smith reported for work Monday and thesuspension would be effective Tuesday.
Smith, 50, of 300 Greenwood Lane, was arrested and charged withaggravated assault and shooting into a vehicle after authoritiesresponded Thursday to a domestic disturbance at the Greenwood Laneresidence, according to a statement from the Lincoln CountySheriff’s Department. The vehicle had been shot into several times,the statement said.
The vehicle was occupied by Smith’s stepdaughter and relatives,including two children, ages 7 and 4, according to the statement.Authorities have not released names of others involved in theincident.
Additional aggravated assault charges are pending, authoritiessaid.
“It’s two counts at the present time,” said District Attorney DeeBates. “It’ll have to be reviewed by the grand jury.”
Bates anticipated Smith’s case will be presented during the nextLincoln County grand jury session in early February. Bates saidSmith faces up to five years in prison on the charge of shootinginto a vehicle and up to 20 years on the aggravated assaultcharge.