Assistant fire chief charged in shooting
Published 6:00 am Monday, November 28, 2005
Brookhaven Assistant Fire Chief Fred Smith Jr. spent theThanksgiving holiday in jail after being charged with shootingmultiple times into an occupied vehicle.
Smith, 50, of 300 Greenwood Lane, was arrested around 3:40 p.m.Thursday and charged with aggravated assault (shooting into anoccupied vehicle), according to arrest records from the LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Department.
According to the Sheriff’s Department, he was no longer in jailSaturday.
Smith declined to comment on the charge Saturday.
The bullet-pocked car Smith is accused of shooting was locked inthe Sheriff’s Department’s sally port Friday morning.
Further details of the alleged shooting incident were notavailable from the Sheriff’s Department on Friday or Saturday.
Smith has worked for the Brookhaven Fire Department since theearly 1980s and has been assistant chief of the department sinceFebruary, Chief Bob Watts said Friday. The chief said he was awareof the alleged shooting involving Smith but did not know all thedetails.
“I haven’t talked to anyone officially about it yet,” Wattssaid.
The fire chief said he has spoken to Mayor Bob Massengill butwould not
make a recommendation on Smith’s status in the fire departmentuntil he could speak to someone in the Sheriff’s Department aboutthe case.
“There hasn’t been an official position on it yet,” Watts said.”There probably won’t be until Monday at the earliest.”