Wilson steps up for Ole Brook Panthers
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Running back Charles Wilson of Brookhaven is one of many playerson the 2005 Ole Brook football team who have stepped it up in arebuilding year. The Panthers are the defending Class 4A statefootball champs.
Wilson, who runs a 40-yard dash in 4.6, rushed for 234 yards andscored 2 touchdowns last Friday night to help the Panthers in a42-20 win over the Kosciusko Whippets in a thriller on KingField.
For his accomplishments, Wilson has been named The DAILYLEADER’S Offensive Player of the Week.
“It’s great,” smiled Wilson. “I like it. I’m excited.”
Wilson, a 5-foot-7, 172-pound junior, makes good use of hisspeed. He scored touchdowns on runs of 2 and 36 yards.
“Charles made some people miss and he broke some tackles,” saidBrookhaven head football coach Tucker Peavey. “He ran with goodvision. He did a good job reading the blocks and making the cuts heneeded to make.”
Peavey said Wilson sees the field. “He understands what we aretrying to do. He runs well with his eyes. He has goodquickness.”
Wilson said enjoys playing for Peavey. “I love playing for CoachPeavey. “I look up to him. He likes a hard worker.”
Wilson said Peavey has helped him learn how to ready the fieldbetter. “He has helped me read the holes. He’s helped me a lot withmy pacing.”
In the weight room, Wilson bench presses 210 pounds and squats280.
Wilson said the Panther offensive line has improved since thestart of the season.
“They are coming along real well,” complimented Wilson. ” I knowour new offensive line coach Mike Powell is doing a good job. Wecontinued to get better.”
Working in the offensive line for the Panthers are Jerry Dickeyat right tackle, David Nguyen at right guard, Taylor Newman atcenter, Skyler Smith at left guard and Darion Smith at lefttackle.
Wilson said he has played the running back position ever sincejunior high. “I like playing running back. They put the ball inyour hands.”
When asked about his jersey, No. 18, Wilson grinned. “I justlike it. I never saw anyone wearing it before.”
Wilson’s favorite play is the Toss. That is what he ran when hescored his touchdowns against Kosciusko. He carried the football 37times in the victory
Friday night’s road game against Region 6-4A rival LawrenceCounty has been circled on Wilson’s calender. He is looking forwardto it.
“This is one of the games I had highlighted,” said Wilson. “Mymother teaches at Lawrence County. I look forward to having a goodgame.”
Wilson believes the Panthers are in good shape for the upcomingstate playoffs. “We have a good chance. We have a good offense anddefense. Our defense gets after the ball.”
Wilson has a 13-year-old brother, Tyrone, who plays for theAlexander junior high football team. Their father, Charlie Wilson,was an outstanding runner in the early 1970s and played for JacksonState.
Wilson said he is grateful for the success he and the Panthershave achieved this season. “I want to thank God for giving me thechance and ability to do my best. I’d like to thank my mom and thePanther staff.
“And Miss King for helping me in English.”