Volunteer team undertakes projects to aid community
Published 5:00 am Thursday, October 6, 2005
A sea of orange descended on the green and white campus of WestLincoln Attendance Center on Wednesday, when Team Depot arrived torepair and install playground equipment.
Team Depot is a community action group of volunteers who work atHome Depot, said Cindy Marlowe, human resources director. The teammembers each wear Team Depot shirts in the store’s customaryorange.
“It is one of Home Depot’s core values to give back to thecommunity,” she said.
Each quarter, Marlowe said, the team selects a community projectand store employees volunteer to work on the project in their offtime. West Lincoln was chosen after members of the school’sparent-teacher organization requested their assistance.
“They’ve been wonderful,” said Diane Gill, vice president of theschool’s parent-teacher organization. “They’ve worked hard at thisall day.”
About 20 members of Team Depot descended on the campus around 9a.m. to repair, repaint and reinstall playground equipment for theelementary students.
The team performed major repairs to two swing sets and resetthem with concrete, painted two sets of monkey bars and resetanother piece of equipment that had been weakened by water.
The project was the first for Team Depot, Marlowe said. The teamis currently taking requests for next quarter’s project. GregNewman, the store manager, will evaluate the requests and selectone for the next quarter.