Obituaries for Friday, September 30, 2005
Published 5:00 am Friday, September 30, 2005
Lyda Pennington Allen
Graveside services for Lyda Pennington Allen of Biloxi are 1p.m. today at Pleasant Grove Methodist Cemetery. Harrigill FuneralHome is in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Allen, 71, died Sept. 27, 2005, at Ocean Springs Hospital.She was born on June 12, 1934, to the late Walter Pennington andEffie Lambert Pennington.
She was a concession stand owner and worked for the Enterprisesfor the Blind. She was a member of the Baptist faith. She was pastpresident of the Mississippi Council for the Blind and was activein helping people with visual difficulties.
Preceding her in death were her parents and husband, William J.Allen.
Survivors are her sons, Russell Caminity of Mansfield, Maine,Clyde Jones, a maritime seaman, and Anthony Allen of Biloxi; herdaughters, Melba Armstrong of Gulfport, Paula Caminiti of Lowell,Maine, and Patricia Caminiti of Philadelphia, Miss.; and hersisters, Bet Johnson of Brookhaven and Martha Rushing of Magee.
Lois Marie Byrd
Services for Lois Marie Byrd of Gilmer, Texas, are 3 p.m. todayat Pleasant Grove Baptist Church with burial in the churchcemetery. Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is today from 2 p.m. until service time at thechurch.
Mrs. Byrd, 78, died Sept. 28, 2005, at Good Shepherd Hospital inLongview, Texas. She was born in Havelock, Neb., on Oct. 12, 1926,to the late Frank E. Wilton and Lydia M. Groff Wilton.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Baptist faith.
Survivors are her sons, Mark Byrd and wife Cheryl of Richardson,Texas; her sisters, Grace Willis and Eunice Hill, both of Joplin,Mo.; her grandchildren, Chris Byrd, Staci Byrd and Jason Byrd; andher great-grandchildren, Alyssa, Dustin and Brady.
Walter William ‘B.B.’ Grone
Private services for Walter William “B.B.” Grone of Brookhavenare Saturday at Riverwood Memorial Park. Riverwood Family FuneralServices is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Friday from 6-8 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mr. Grone, 62, died Sept. 28, 2005, at University Medical Centerin Jackson. He was born on Nov. 30, 1942, to the late Charles L.Grone and Lucy Faye Grone.
He was retired. He was a member of the Methodist faith.
Survivors are his wife, Ann Furlow Grone of Brookhaven; hissons, Shane Hannah and wife Teresa and Randy Hannah and wifeChellie, all of Bogue Chitto; his daughter, Debra Anding andhusband Keith; his sisters, Becky Carey of Ohio and Judy Weis ofKentucky; his 11 grandchildren; and one special little girl,Savanna Grace Wallace of Brookhaven.
Lawrence McHale
Services for Lawrence McHale of Lolo, Mont., were Aug. 16 withentombment in San Francisco. A family memorial service will be heldat a later date in Florence, Mont. McAvoy O’Hara Evergreen Mortuaryin San Francisco was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. McHale, 87, died Aug. 8 at his home. He was born inColumbus, Kan., on Dec. 6, 1917, to Thomas John McHale and IvaPearl McHale.
He was an U.S. Army veteran and a retired bank auditor andassistant vice president.
Mr. McHale served in the Army from June 1942 until June 1962 andreceived the American Campaign Medal, the Commendation Ribbon withMedal Pendant, the National Defense Service Medal, the UnitedNations Medal and the Korean Service Medal. From 1962 until 1967,he worked with Grumman Aircraft and Engineering Corp. in New Yorkas an administrative assistant to the quality control inspectionmanager. Mr. McHale then moved to San Francisco, where he worked asan auditor for the Bank of Tokyo before moving to Union Bank ofCalifornia, where he was an auditor and assistance vice presidentbefore his retirement. He moved to Vandalia, Mont., in 1999 to livewith his daughter and wife before finally settling in Lolo in2001.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Tommie Lee Conn McHale, formerly ofBrookhaven; daughter and son-in-law Jacqueline Stanislaw and JohnStanislaw, of Florence, Mont., son and daughter-in-law LawrenceMcHale Jr. and Karen McHale; and sister-in-law Etta Mae Smith, ofBrookhaven.
Peggy Rogers Monahan
Graveside services for Peggy Rogers Monahan of Brookhaven are 3p.m. Friday at Riverwood Memorial Park. Riverwood Family FuneralServices is in charge of arrangements.
Visitation is Thursday from 6-9 p.m. at the funeral home.
Mrs. Monahan, 62, died Sept. 28, 2005, at King’s DaughtersMedical Center. She was born on Oct. 24, 1942, to the late JimmyRogers and Tad Nicholas Rogers.
Mrs. Monahan grew up in Kilgore, Texas, and moved to Jackson,Miss., after her marriage in 1963. She worked for Primos Northgateand managed one-hour martenizing cleaners while in Jackson. Shemoved to Brookhaven, where she and her husband built and managedone-hour martenizing cleaners. Later, she worked for Banes Drugsfor several years. She was a dedicated homemaker.
She was preceded in death by her parents and two brothers, Billyand Tommy Rogers.
Survivors are her husband, John Monahan; her son, Tony Monahan;her daughter, Kathy Ryan; her sister, Barbara Nau, all ofBrookhaven; and her grandchildren, Katie and Emily Ryan.
Charles Reed
Services for Charles Reed of Roxie are 1 p.m. Sunday at Mt.Olive Missionary Baptist Church in Kirby with burial in the churchcemetery. R.E. Tyler Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Reed, 67, died Sept. 26, 2005, at Franklin County Hospital.He was born on June 14, 1938, to the late Joe Reed Sr. andElizabeth Reed.
He was a retired educator. He was a member of Mt. Olive M.B.Church in Kirby. He was a graduate of Wiley College in Marshall,Texas.
Preceding him in death were his parents, five brothers and foursisters.
Survivors are his sons, Jacque Reed of Florida and Lawrence Reedof White River, Ariz.; his daughter, Yvette Reed of Bronx, N.Y.;his brothers, Jim Reed and Anderson Reed, both of Bude; and hissister, Mary Byrd of Roxie.