Angels come to aid of fellow men
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Dear Editor,
Over the years, there has been much talk about angels – who theyare and where they come from.
Through the tragedy of Katrina, I have come to see them in a newlight. As I sit here on my front porch with no power, I see angelsin hardhats working on my behalf. They are the men who have comefrom afar to help us restore our power system.
As I drive onto the school yard, I see more angels. These arewearing camouflage. They are the men and women of our armedservices distributing ice, food and water. Helping these servicemenare angels in prisoners’ uniforms loading the people’svehicles.
I have seen angels in sheriff’s deputy uniforms helping keep lawand order in our lives. I have seen angels in police uniforms. Ihave seen angels in common, everyday dress just trying to dosomething for their fellow man.
I see angels in every branch of the utilities industry. Theyserve us well.
There is another group we need to be thankful for, and they areour volunteer firefighters.
I give all of these people a very hearty “thank you.”
Shelby “Buddy” Brister,
Bogue Chitto