Area projects move closer to federal funding

Published 5:00 am Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Projects in Lincoln and Franklin counties are slated for fundingin a Department of Interior funding bill passed by the U.S. Houseof Representatives.

The bill would provide $1 million for wastewater treatmentimprovements in Brookhaven and $1 million for capital improvementand maintenance at Lake Okhissa near Bude.

The $1 million allocation for a Brookhaven project was wellreceived by Mayor Bob Massengill. However, he said it would be morethan a year before the money could be used locally because of theprocess to obtain the funding.

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The city is still completing the process on a similar $500,000grant received through the same funding process last year.

“We’re days away from finalizing the application to actuallyreceive that money,” Massengill said.

The mayor said although the federal government makes theallocation, the receiving entity must actually apply to get themoney.

“You try to keep (the application) as general as possible toretain some flexibility,” he said. “The board has not decidedexactly where that $500,000 will be spent. We have to match thatwith some local funds.”

Massengill said it would be “premature” to name projects underconsideration for the $1 million allocation.

“That has not even been discussed with the aldermen,” he said.”We have several places that could use the work.”

Mary Bell Lunsford, public affairs officer for the U.S. ForestService, said they were notified of the grant Friday morning andshe had not yet consulted with the district ranger on how the moneywould be spent. However, tentative plans expressed previouslyindicated the money would spent to further bolster publicfacilities plans, she said.

“I’m sure it will be for public facilities – probably restrooms,boat ramps and parking,” Lunsford said.

The funds are part of $8.5 million included for projects in U.S.Rep. Chip Pickering’s Third Congressional District. The measurepassed the House on a 410-10 vote and now goes to the Senate forfinal consideration.

The bill also includes funding for eight other Third Districtprojects: $2 million for the West Rankin Water Authority for awastewater system rehabilitation; $1 million each to Smith CountyLake for capital improvement and maintenance and Mississippi StateUniversity for its wildlife enterprises program; and $500,000 eachto Flowood for wastewater treatment improvements, Ridgeland forwastewater infrastructure evaluation and repairs, Starkville forhydrology studies and MSU on two other separate projects, a smallpublic water system technology center and a center for bottomlandhardwoods research.

“These research, water and natural resource projects areimportant to both the quality of life and economic development ofMississippi,” Pickering said. “By working together, the Mississippidelegation has been able to secure this funding for these importantlocal priorities.”

Also included in the bill, Pickering said, was $1.5 billion inemergency funds for veterans’ health benefits.