Man arrested in assault, armed robbery
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 12, 2005
A Bogue Chitto man was arrested on armed robbery and aggravatedassault charges Friday afternoon following an altercation at aBogue Chitto residence.
Willie C. Godbolt, 23, of 377 Brister St., was among severalpeople outside a home at the intersection of Brister Street andHighway 51 when the incident occurred, Lincoln County Sheriff WileyCalcote said.
When the victim drove up to the home, there was an altercationin which Godbolt allegedly struck the man over the head with apistol, Calcote said. Godbolt is accused of then taking the man’swallet and jewelry as well as cash on the vehicle console.
Despite the altercation occurring in front of a gathering ofpeople, the sheriff said “no one saw or heard anything.”
The victim was apparently known to Godbolt, Calcote said, but hecould not comment on the nature of their relationship.