Digital mapping will aid appraisals, officials say
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 6, 2005
Lincoln County tax officials touted the benefits of new digitalmapping plans for appraisal and other purposes Tuesday during theBoard of Supervisors meeting.
“We’ll actually have the maps on computer,” said appraiser LeonPerry, who was hired in May to work full-time with TaxAssessor-Collector Nancy Jordan’s office.
Aspects of the maps will be developed as officials work onappraisal activities in the months ahead.
Perry said mapping data will be “layered” to show paved andgravel roads, flood plan areas, soil types and other groundconditions. He said the digital data could eventually be helpful in911 emergency services with the ability to pinpoint exact locationson maps.
Jordan and Perry presented countywide and supervisor districtmaps to board members seeking their input on lines and road data.The officials also discussed plans for required property appraisalupdates.
Perry said some aerial photography done for a state agency willalso him to begin mapping work showing county road rights of wayand section lines.
However, Perry added that the maps were done at a time when theleaves were on trees. For more detailed maps showing service roadsand buildings, he said the flying to develop new aerial maps willhave to be done when the leaves are off the trees.
Perry said that flying would likely be done in January. Thecounty will have to seek bids for the work.
“We should start getting that photography in May of next year,”Perry said.
In other tax-related work, Jordan presented new-year land rollsfor supervisors’ approval. The rolls showed almost $120 million inassessed land value, up from around $118 million last year,officials said.
Appraisals in the land rolls will be used in conjunction withmillage rates in determining property tax totals later thisyear.
“These will be open for public inspection in July,” Jordan saidof the land values.
Jordan said anyone with objections may come to her office todiscuss the totals. If there is no resolution there, she saidobjectors may schedule a hearing before supervisors during thefirst two weeks in August.
Also Tuesday, District One Supervisor the Rev. Jerry L. Wilsonannounced his desire to have a resident of his district named tothe Lincoln County Public Library’s board of trustees.
Wilson said board member Tom Moak’s term is up for renewal inSeptember and he wanted to appoint Helen Pierce, a retirededucator, to the board. Other supervisors asked if Moak wanted toreturn, but Wilson disregarded the question, saying he wantedsomeone new on the board.
“Everybody comes out of one district. That ain’t right,” Wilsonsaid.
Wilson was the lone vote against Emily Henderson last month whenshe named to the library board to replace Carolyn Patterson, whohad resigned earlier.