Jail official jailed on charge of embezzling

Published 5:00 am Thursday, June 2, 2005

An assistant Lincoln County Jail warden was herself behind barstoday after being charged Tuesday with embezzling kitchen utensils,food and inmates’ property from the local correctionalfacility.

Kalili Marlene Sailor, 45, of 1304 Crawford Lane, was arrestedTuesday and charged with embezzlement following an approximately30-day investigation of missing property, Sheriff Wiley Calcotesaid. The sheriff said the investigation is ongoing.

“We’re dealing with the district attorney’s office andinvestigators from the (Mississippi) Highway Patrol on this,”Calcote said this morning.

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Calcote said Sailor allegedly was taking food, large pots andother utensils from the jail’s kitchen. Also alleged to have beentaken were two televisions, a VCR and handheld video games.

“We don’t allow those upstairs,” Calcote said of the games.

The sheriff explained that games and some other items deliveredto inmates by family members are held in a property room until theycan be returned or the inmate is released.

Calcote said state law allows one TV and one VCR per jail zone,which typically houses 25-30 inmates. Work crew members areafforded additional privileges, the sheriff said.

During regular reviews of the jail inventory, Calcote said hehad noticed one or two missing items over the last two months. Hesaid authorities asked some questions and were able to determinewhere the items were going.

Calcote estimated that authorities have recovered 90 percent ofthe items. He said they were found at Sailor’s home.

“We have not put a dollar value on it,” Calcote said of thestolen property.

Sailor, a county employee since November 2003, remained in jailtoday pending the investigation. Regarding Sailor’s employmentstatus, Calcote said she has been suspended without pay.

Calcote said Sailor was in a position of trust. He said herposition allowed her access to all areas of the jail and that madehere alleged activities easier to accomplish.

“I can’t tolerate this,” Calcote said. “Even though it’s in mydepartment, I’m going to do everything I can to make sure this ishandled in the proper fashion.”