LEADER staffers win 12 news awards in contest
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, May 24, 2005
LAFAYETTE, La. – The news staff of The DAILY LEADER won 12awards Saturday in the annual news contest at theLouisiana-Mississippi Associated Press Managing Editors Associationannual meeting.
The DAILY LEADER competed with other newspapers from Mississippiand Louisiana in its Division I circulation category in multiplewriting, photography and design categories.
Among the staff’s dozen awards were two first place awards.Lifestyle Editor Cassandra Johnson was awarded first place in theGeneral News Photos category for her photograph of women welderstaken last year at a welding class at Southwest MississippiCommunity College in Summit.
Staff writer Scott Tynes also captured first place in theContinuing Coverage category for his series of stories followingthe trial of a McComb lawyer convicted of drug charges.
Other awards won by DAILY LEADER staff members Saturdayinclude:
* Scott Tynes, 2nd place, Interpretive Story
* Tom Goetz, 2nd place, Spot Sports
* Tom Goetz, 3rd place, Spot Sports
* Tom Goetz, 2nd place, Sports Columns
* Joel Bonner, 2nd place, General News Photos
* Joel Bonner, 3rd place, Multi-Picture
* Joel Bonner, 3rd place, Sports Action Photo
* J. Ben Kelly, 3rd place, Editorials
* J. Ben Kelly, 2nd place, Layout and Design
* Bill Jacobs, 2nd place, Personal Columns
Also during the awards presentation, The News-Star of Monroe,La., won the Margaret Dixon Freedom of Information award forcoverage of the city’s attempts to keep secret the search for aschool superintendent.
The Daily Star in Hammond, La., and the Commercial Dispatch inColumbus, Miss., were presented AP Mark Twain awards for membershipcooperation.