Board urged to act on armory land
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 19, 2005
A visit by Army National Guard officials has prompted MonticelloMayor David Nichols to urge aldermen to move quickly on securingthe land for a new armory.
“The Mississippi National Guard was here Monday and they areready to move forward on the armory,” Nichols said.
The mayor encouraged aldermen to move swiftly on securing theland for the new armory. Clarksdale is second on the list ofmunicipalities approved for new armories and has been urging Armyofficials to move them to the top of the list, Nichols said.
Approximately eight to 12 acres are needed for the new armory,Nichols said. The proposed location, which has met Army approval,would be across the street from the present armory on Old Highway27 North.
The town has been negotiating with the property owner and atentative agreement has been reached.
Typically, when a new armory is built the old armory reverts totown ownership. However, the old armory was built on land owned bythe American Legion with the county owning a “small sliver” of theproperty, Nichols said.
Aldermen are negotiating with the American Legion to donate theland to the town or allow them to lease it for a modest fee.