TRIAD gears up to host Spring Fling
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 25, 2005
The sixth semi-annual Senior Citizens Spring Fling will be heldfrom 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday at the Brookhaven-Lincoln CountyMulti-Use Facility.
Sponsored by TRIAD, an organization composed of the LincolnCounty Sheriff’s Department, Brookhaven Police Department and theAARP, the Spring Fling is designed to give seniors an entertainingmorning while providing some basic free medical services and crimeprevention information.
Tuesday’s event will include free blood pressure checks andglucose testing, among other basic medical services; informationalbooths, a bake sale, jambalaya lunch and live entertainment.
Similar events in the past have drawn large crowds, saidConstable Charles Smith. The success of the program can be verifiedby the number of residents receiving the medical services, hesaid.
Many of the county supervisors said they will attend the eventto socialize with the seniors and give them an opportunity toexpress themselves about county operations.