Hospitality pageant welcomes contestants
Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 31, 2005
The Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce is looking fora friendly and outgoing personality to represent the community asMiss Hospitality 2005.
The pageant is scheduled for Sunday at 2 p.m. and the deadlineto enter is Friday at 5 p.m., said Rita Rich, coordinator. Fourcontestants have signed up.
There is no talent or swimsuit component. Contestantsparticipate in a 10-minute interview with a panel of judges.
“It’s not a formal pageant,” Rich said. “It consists of aninterview process.”
Contestant requirements include being a resident of Mississippirepresenting her hometown. A contestant must be between 18 and 24years old, a high school graduate, never married and have nochildren and have a scholastic average of 2.5.
Rich and said previous contestants who did not win may enteragain.
“This is not something you can enter only one time,” Richsaid.
Sunday’s winner will go on to represent Brookhaven and LincolnCounty in the state Miss Hospitality pageant. Local winners whohave gone on to the state pageant may not re-enter.
The state pageant is scheduled for July 17 through 23 inHattiesburg.
Kay Burton, program coordinator for the chamber, said Brookhavenand Lincoln have had some outstanding contestants. She mentionedKatie Newman’s winning the state title in 2002 and Miss HospitalityLaQuesia Nelson’s placing in the Top 10 during last year’spageant.
“Brookhaven has a legacy of success at the state competition,”Burton said.