Law, justice cornerstones of Starrett’s judicial career
Published 6:00 am Monday, March 28, 2005
Fairness. Integrity. Compassion.
Those qualities and others were among a long list of attributesused to describe Keith Starrett during his recent investitureceremony as U.S. District Judge for Mississippi’s SouthernDistrict.
Having seen him in action for the last 12 years as a CircuitCourt district judge, citizens of Lincoln, Pike and Walthallcounties can attest to Starrett’s judicial abilities. From hisfounding of the state’s first felony-level drug court to hissentencing of criminals who came before him, Starrett’s actionshave been guided by an exceptional knowledge of the law and astrong desire to see justice done.
Although the 14th Circuit Court District has lost an ablejurist, it is vital to the country to have judges of Starrett’sability on the federal bench.
We congratulate Starrett again on his appointment and wish himwell in his new role.