Board to meet, qualify candidates

Published 6:00 am Monday, March 28, 2005

Monticello election commissioners were to meet Monday to finishqualifying candidates for the municipal general election on June7.

Commissioners James Hill, Marsha Penny and Jean McElroy areexpected to review the qualifying paperwork of the last threecandidates this afternoon, said Debbie Lea, deputy city clerk.

The three remaining candidates turned in their qualifying papersonly hours before the deadline March 4. Incumbent Ward One AldermanJerry Goode is among them.

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Prior to Goode’s turning in his papers, Nichols and Moreman werethe only two incumbents seeking re-election to a third term afteran election eight years ago that saw an entirely new board seatedto lead the town.

Goode is the only incumbent seeking re-election facing achallenge. Amos Bridges and Robert Collier are making a bid forthat seat.

Collier has been certified. Commissioners will review thequalifying papers of Goode and Bridges this afternoon.

The other candidate remaining to be certified is Greg Sutton,who will face James Wilson to claim the Ward Three post.

Decisions by Ward Three Alderman George Magee, Ward FourAlderman Dick Reeves and Ward Five Alderman Pete Mathews not toseek re-election means half the town leadership will change inJune.

The only change in board membership since the current board wasseated eight years ago occurred with Mathews’ resignation earlierthis year. Mathews resigned in January when he moved out of thedistrict.

Aldermen appointed Steve Clyburn to serve in the interim.Clyburn is not seeking election.

Monticello holds nonpartisan elections. Absentee voting willbegin April 25 and end at noon on June 4.