State can’t burden families with bills
Published 6:00 am Thursday, March 10, 2005
Dear Editor,
I am writing in regard to the current Medicaid crisis in thestate of Mississippi.
I am a Medicaid patient, but, of more concern, my grandmother isa Medicaid patient who resides at a Gulfport nursing home. Ireceived a letter from the nursing center on Feb. 19 informing myfamily and I that we would soon be responsible for private chargesof $148 a day for my grandmother’s residency due to cuts in theMedicaid program. The letter insisted that its purpose was not tocause panic, but panicking is all I’ve done since I’ve receivedthis upsetting news.
Neither I nor my family is financially or medically prepared tocare for my grandmother. She is in need of nursing care 24/7 andwill not be able to receive this because I cannot afford $148 a dayto continue her residency at the nursing center. I fear that I,like many others, will soon lose the life of my grandmother due tothese selfish decisions. How will I live knowing that I was notable to provide the best care for my grandmother?
I cannot understand that the state of Mississippi is morallysecure enough to impose that type of burden on me as well as somany others in the same situation or worse situations.
I have contacted lead officials in the state of Mississippi withmy personal cries for help. I have pleaded for an understandingfrom them that plans for funding should be considered andreconsidered.
I am willing to do whatever it takes to help in this fight forthe continuation of life and good health in the state ofMississippi.
Brittany Smith,
via e-mail