Water meters, pay raises are irksome

Published 6:00 am Friday, February 18, 2005

Dear Editor,

Wesson has a most successful flea market. We have over 250vendors and sell over 300 spaces at $35 each. The flea market isgood for Wesson. Alderman Greer is absolutely right in votingagainst the increase. I am told that Wesson has already paid forthe Dumpsters, police and electricity.

Last year we had a citizen wanting an extra water meter who wasturned down. All other citizens asked for a flat rate on sewer, notone based on water usage. We now have a new citizen asking for asecond meter, and it was approved. The mayor says that it will notchange city finances. Why are these two wanting it if it will notreduce their water bill.

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We also just passed an ordinance allowing a new subdivision toplace five to seven houses on one water meter. The remainingcitizens will subsidize these houses. We have meters now that needrepair or replacing. We can’t do that, but we can put you in twometers.

One of our aldermen wants the city to intimidate citizens, andanother wants to place fines on people who litter.

I think it is sad that public works employees can’t get a raise in18 months but the aldermen can raise their salary to $500 per monthfor one-hour meetings and then not come to work. The two aldermenthat could not remember passing an ordinance last year might havebeen absent that night.

Billy Mullins,
