Massengill running for re-election
Published 6:00 am Friday, January 7, 2005
Incumbent Mayor Bob Massengill qualified for re-electionThursday to become the first candidate to seek the city’s highestoffice in this year’s municipal contests.
“I’m excited to be running,” said Massengill.
Massengill, 65, won a nonpartisan special election last year tofill the remainder of former Mayor Bill Godbold’s term through June30.
Massengill, who is running as a Republican, said he hopes hisparty affiliation would not impact his chances of beingelected.
“My hope is that people would look at what I’ve done in thefirst seven months, know where my heart is and know that I’m fairand consistent,” Massengill said.
In the weeks and months ahead, Massengill said he would beformulating plans to help move the city forward over the next fouryears.
“I look forward to carrying out those plans if I’ve given thatopportunity,” Massengill said.
In other election developments, incumbent Ward One AldermanDorsey Cameron signed up to seek a third term. He toutedimprovements in his ward and across the city during his first twoterms and said he would like to continue those efforts.
“I can look around and see some, and I hope they my constituentshave seen the improvements,” Cameron said.
So far, Ward One alderman is the city’s only contested race.Elisa Corley Jr., a tax preparer for a private company, ischallenging Cameron for the seat in the Democratic primary.
Other incumbents who have qualified include:
* City Clerk Mike Jinks.
* Chief of Police Pap Henderson.
* Ward Three Alderwoman Mary Wilson.
* Ward Four Alderwoman Shirley Estes.
* Ward Five Alderman incumbent Tom Smith.
* Ward Six Alderman John E. “Buddy” Allen.
With the exception of Republicans Estes and Massengill, allcandidates are running in the Democratic primary.
The qualifying deadline is March 4.
Party primaries are scheduled for May 3, with runoffs, ifneeded, May 17. The general election is June 7.
Election winners are scheduled to take office in July.