Hit-and-run victim still in critical condition

Published 6:00 am Friday, December 31, 2004

A Brookhaven man injured Tuesday in a hit-and-run accident onInterstate 55 remained in critical condition Thursday at a Jacksonhospital.

“He is still in very critical condition,” Amy Smith said of herson Rudolph “Tobey” Smith IV.

The 20-year-old man and his girlfriend Jacqueline Ready, 18,were hurt when Smith’s truck was side-swiped by an 18-wheelerTuesday around 7:30 near exit 40 on Interstate 55. They were latertransferred to the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

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Ready was in fair condition in the intensive care unit, saidfamily members and a hospital spokesman. Amy Smith said her son,however, was not in fair condition as was reported by hospitalofficials earlier Thursday.

Mrs. Smith said Tobey Smith sustained severe head trauma, aconcussion and broken vertebra in several places.

The head injuries were doctors’ main concern, Amy Smith said.She said he is being kept heavily sedated in an effort to notworsen the injuries.

“He’s showing a little improvement,” Amy Smith said.

She said her son is able to open his eyes and understand what isbeing said. However, he was unable to follow any commands, such asmoving his hands, given to him.

Jacqueline Ready sustained several broken ribs, punctured lungsand a lacerated liver, said her mother, Judy Ready. JacquelineReady remained hospitalized, but her mother said her conditionseemed to be improving.