Obituaries for Wednesday, March 24
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, March 24, 2004
Catherine R. Whitehead Bowman
Services for Catherine R. Whitehead Bowman of Liberty are 2p.m., Friday, March 26, at Franklin Funeral Home Chapel with burialin Middleton Creek Primitive Baptist Church.
Visitation is Thursday from 5-9 p.m., at the funeral home.
Mrs. Bowman, 71, died March 23, 2004, at Southwest MississippiRegional Medical Center in McComb. She was born in Franklin Countyon Jan. 22, 1933, to Joseph Lee Whitehead and Lona OglesbyWhitehead.
She was a homemaker, and was a member of Mt. Olive MethodistChurch.
Preceding her in death were her parents and a son.
Survivors are her daughter, Mary Catherine Halford of Greenwood;her son, Gary Bowman of Roxie; her sisters, Mable Clanton of BusyCorner, Evelyn Larimore of Liberty, and Nellie Miller of Sixtown;five grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Carey Carl Finch
Services for Carey Carl Finch of Monticello are 1 p.m.,Thursday, March 25, at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial inHollywood Cemetery in McComb.
Visitation is Wednesday from 1-8 p.m., at the funeral home.
Mr. Finch, 72, died March 22, 2004, at his residence. He wasborn in Mt. Hermon, La., on Feb. 1, 1932, to Joe and HallieFinch.
He was retired from the Louisiana State Employment Service, andfrom Lawrence County Schools as a teacher. He was an Air ForceVeteran, serving in the Korean Conflict. He graduated fromSoutheastern Louisiana University with a master’s degree inguidance and counseling. He was affiliated with the MississippiNational Guard, retiring after Desert Storm. He served as postcommander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post 4889, and wasa member and past president of the Monticello Exchange Club. He wasa master mason in Spring Creek Lodge 184.
Preceding him in death were his parents and a brother, TommyFinch.
Survivors are his wife, Fay Fox Finch; his daughters, HollyLatham and Christi Moss; his son, Joe Finch; his brother, James P.Finch; and his grandchildren, Carl and Logan Finch, Casey Moss andJackson Latham.
Aline Leggett
Family graveside services for Aline Leggett of Natchez are 1p.m., Thursday, March 25, in Greenlawn Cemetery in Natchez.Brookhaven Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Leggett, 86, died March 23, 2004, at Adams County NursingHome. She was born in Franklin County on Sept. 23, 1917, to JamesTully Wactor and Dela Freeman Wactor.
She was a sitter.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, FrankEdward Leggett; her daughter, Lillian Cleo Leggett Breaker; herson, Willie Gordon Leggett; and a grandchild, Cecelia ReneeLeggett.
Survivors are her sisters, Addie Wactor and Mattie Wactor; herbrothers, Alfonce Wactor, Ray Wactor and Carl Wactor; sixgrandchildren; 10 great-grandchildren; and sixgreat-great-grandchildren.
Pauline Kemph Runnels
Services for Pauline Kemph Runnels of Hazlehurst are 2 p.m.,Thursday, March 25, at Stringer Family Funeral Services Chapel withburial in Poplar Springs Cemetery.
Visitation is Thursday from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., at the funeralhome.
Mrs. Runnels, 76, died March 23, 2004, at Hardy Wilson MemorialHospital.
She was a native of Akron, Ohio, and lived in the Poplar Springscommunity until the death of her husband, when she moved toHazlehurst. She was a member of Harmony Baptist Church. She enjoyedplaying the piano for fellow residents of Pine Crest NursingHome.
Preceding her in death were her parents, Albert and Ada Kemph;and her husband, George Runnels Sr.
Survivors are her daughter, Ann Hebert of Wesson; her sons,George W. Runnels Jr. of Wesson, Kenneth Runnels and Michael PaulRunnels, both of Hazlehurst, and Tracy Runnels of Independence,Mo.; her sisters, Arlene McCool of Springhill, Tenn., and RosemaryMarler of Tylertown; her brother, Albert M. Kemph of Mule Creek,N.M.; eight grandchildren; and four great-grandchildren.
Hilton Rushing
Services for Hilton Rushing of Brookhaven were 11 a.m.,Wednesday, March 24, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burialin Riverwood Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mr. Rushing, 59, died March 22, 2004, in Woodville. He was bornin Brookhaven on Sept. 4, 1944, to Curtis Rushing and Elma LeeSmith Rushing.
He was a self-employed milk distributor with Luvell Milk Companyand formerly Borden. He was a member of Easthaven Baptist Church.He was an Air Force veteran.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Judy Strahan Rushing of Brookhaven; hisdaughters and sons-in-law, Donna Lee King and husband Jimmy, KimCameron, and Kristi Cameron Watts and husband Joshua, all ofBrookhaven; his son and daughter-in-law, Nicholas Curtis Rushingand wife Cindy of Brookhaven; his stepson, Lance Coleman of Wesson;his sisters and brothers-in-law, Irene and Hulon Brown of BogueChitto, and Mary and Cecil Seay of Liberty; his brothers andsister-in-law, B.W. Rushing and Millard and Myra Rushing, all ofBrookhaven; three grandchildren; and a host of nieces, nephews andother relatives.
Lois Rushing
Services for Lois Rushing of Pearl, formerly of McCall Creek,are 2 p.m., Thursday, March 25, at Ramah Baptist Church with burialin the church cemetery.
Visitation is Wednesday from 5-9 p.m., at Community FuneralServices Chapel, and Thursday from noon until 2 p.m., at thechurch.
Mrs. Rushing, 86, died March 22, 2004, at her daughter’sresidence in Pearl. She was born in Jefferson County on Feb. 17,1918, to Ernie Jones and Effie Brown.
She was a seamstress with Kellwood. She was a member of theBaptist faith.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, LewisRushing; a daughter, Yvonne Rushing; two sisters; and threebrothers.
Survivors are her daughters, Hazel Price and Elaine Halford,both of Meadville, Irene Rushing of Joliet, Ill., Helen LouiseRushing of Pearl, and Annette Calcote of Morris, Ill.; hergrandchildren, Larry Wallace of Starkville, Sharon Wooters ofMeadville, and Lisa Foland of Morris, Ill.; and threegreat-grandchildren.