Northwest sweeps Co-Lin in twinbill
Published 6:00 am Monday, March 1, 2004
WESSON — The Northwest Rangers swept two close games from theCo-Lin Wolves Saturday afternoon on Sullivan Field. Northwest wonthe opener 8-5 and the finale 3-1.
Northwest 8, Co-Lin 5
“We didn’t set a good tone early,” said Co-Lin head baseballcoach Keith Case.
Co-Lin trailed Northwest 4-1 after the first inning and 5-1after three. The Rangers added three runs in the top of the sixthon two walks and a hit batter. The visitors led 8-1 before theWolves came back with four runs to cut the deficit to 8-5 as thegame ended.
“We didn’t play well defensively,” stated Case. “Northwest swungthe bats real well. We (pitchers) couldn’t locate and gotbehind.”
Cass Brister (0-2) was the losing hurler with 7 runs allowed on4 hits, 3 strikeouts and 2 walks. Boycee Varnes worked the final 3innings with 1 run allowed on 1 hit, 1 strikeout and 1 walk.
Posting the win was Tim Sentea (1-0). Relieving Sentea in theseventh inning was Josh Irvin.
Co-Lin collected 11 hits. Leading with a home run and a singlewas Jody Britt. Justin Sykes, Diego Nucete, Aaron Guillot and CaseyGinn ripped two singles apiece. Hitting safely was Cody Zumbro.
Hugh Brown paced Northwest with a solo home run. Gary ScottBallard, Irvin, Mikey Smith and Turner Barnes hit safely.
Northwest 3, Co-Lin 1
The Wolves had a chance late in the game to catch up afterputting runners on first and second base with no outs. One runnerwas tagged out at home plate and the other left on base followingthe third out of the inning.
Brad Westmoreland (2-0) was the winning pitcher with 1 runallowed on 7 hits, 6 strikeouts and no walks. Colby Beach (0-2)absorbed the loss with 3 runs allowed on 5 hits, 1 strikeout and 3walks. Relieving Beach in the fifth inning was Ryan Belanger whofinished with 2 hits allowed, 1 strikeout and 3 walks.
Patrick Williams powered Co-Lin at the plate with a double and asingle. Keeyon Sanders singled twice. Doubling was Zumbro.
Ballard led Northwest with 2 singles. Brown and Brunodoubled.
Co-Lin (2-2) hosts Tougaloo College Monday for a nine-inningcontest beginning at 2 p.m.