No decision on replacing constable
Published 6:00 am Tuesday, January 27, 2004
A replacement for Post 2 Constable Claude Davis remainsundetermined Monday as the county recovers from the loss of aresident who has served in the political arena for more than twodecades.
Davis, the owner of Claude Davis & Sons Construction, lost ayear-long battle with cancer Saturday. The former Lawrence Countysheriff was presently serving as Post 2 constable after winning thegeneral election in November.
Although Davis was beginning his first term as Post 2 constable,he served as Post 1 constable for more than 16 years in the 1970sand ’80s.
District 2 Supervisor Billy Joe Boutwell said it was too earlyto say when a replacement for Davis would be appointed. It was alsotoo early to say who it might be.
“We’re looking into the law today before deciding on when tomake that appointment,” he said. “We have also not discussed yetwho that might be.”
Boutwell doubted the appointment would be made at the boardmeeting next week.
“I don’t think we’ll be ready for that,” he said.
A permanent replacement will be elected in a special election onthe bottom of the general election ballot in November, said CircuitClerk Cindy Stokes.
“It will be a special election, but will appear on the regulargeneral election ballot for November,” she said.
That ballot will also feature another special election for thepost of Lawrence County Board of Education District 3. Sherry HydeThames resigned the post late last year after being elected taxassessor/collector. Her husband, Tony Thames, has been appointed tothe office until the election. The school board post expires onDec. 31, 2006.