Calcote sworn in as sheriff
Published 6:00 am Wednesday, December 31, 2003
As family members and friends looked on, Wiley Calcote took thethe oath of office Tuesday to allow him to become the next sheriffof Lincoln County.
“I’m looking forward to getting started,” Calcote said. “There’sa lot of new ideas I want to put in place for the people of LincolnCounty and their protection.”
Calcote is also expected to join other newly-elected officialswhen they take their oaths of office Monday at 9 a.m. However, dueto the nature of the sheriff’s office, county officials wanted theformer Post One constable to be prepared to assume his new dutiesat the start of the new year.
“Now, he can be on duty as sheriff on New Year’s Day,” saidChancellor Ed Patten, indicating that it is not unusual for lawenforcement officials to be sworn in early.
Outgoing Sheriff Lynn Boyte said he had several options, but hewas leaning toward Wednesday being his last official day. SinceCalcote has been sworn in, Boyte said it probably would be.
“We’ve accomplished all the goals we set when we came here, andmany more,” Boyte said about his 16 years in office.
Calcote, who has been constable for the last 12 years, said thesheriff’s department has a good staff of employees. Although he wasnot specific, he mentioned some plans to restructure severalprograms to enable them to operate better for citizens.
“I’d rather not get into which ones because I don’t know whichones will fall into place first,” Calcote said.
One of the first tasks for Calcote will be addressing some staffvacancies. The new sheriff mentioned one deputy position and twojailer positions that need to be filled.
“We’ve got a few openings, and they’re going to be filledshortly,” Calcote said.
Calcote said Tina Smith will be joining the department assecretary. He said she would be handling office duties and clericalwork.
Calcote said the sheriff’s office is important to citizens andhe welcomes public input.
“That is the people of the county’s office,” Calcote said. “Iappreciate them electing me sheriff and I want to make it asavailable to them as I possibly can.”