Woman killed, husband hurt in accident

Published 5:00 am Monday, September 15, 2003

A Bogue Chitto woman was killed and her husband seriouslyinjured Saturday when their vehicle left the road on Highway 583,authorities said.

Deborah A. Gerald, 50, was transported by ambulance from thescene of the accident about 1.5 miles north of Tylertown toWalthall County General Hospital. She was pronounced dead shortlyafter her arrival, said Rod Crawford, public relations officer forMississippi Highway Patrol’s Troop M.

Her husband, Wesley Keith Gerald, 45, was airlifted to ForrestGeneral Hospital in Hattiesburg, Crawford said. He is listed inserious condition.

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The couple were traveling north on Highway 583 when their 2002Jeep Liberty left the roadway around 1:49 p.m. and overturned,Crawford said.

“The vehicle left the roadway to the right, first striking amailbox then the culvert of a private driveway, causing the Jeep tooverturn,” he said.

The sports utility vehicle probably rolled twice, Crawford said,ejecting both of the Geralds.

Crawford said the cause of the accident is still underinvestigation and authorities are checking to see if driver KeithGerald had any medical conditions that may have contributed to theaccident.

“We don’t want to speculate at this point,” he said. “We don’thave any reason for the accident. The roadway is fairly straightand level at the point of the accident.”