County-owned tractor damaged by vandals
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Authorities are investing the Sunday night vandalism of aLincoln County-owned tractor that was later crashed into a tree offReeves Road about a mile from Highway 583.
Officials estimated damage to the vehicle would run “in thethousands” of dollars.
The District Three tractor was found Monday morning about 100yards from a vacant house, which is sometimes used as a huntinglodge. The tractor had been left at the location by a county workerThursday afternoon. A circular path of downed small trees andbushes was evident between the house and the tractor’s stoppingpoint.
Judging by the tractor path and other evidence, Lincoln CountySheriff’s Department Investigator Lance Falvey said juveniles arethe likely suspects.
“Whoever did this is an inexperienced tractor operator,” Falveysaid.
Citing keys that were left in the ignition, Falvey described thevandalism as a “crime of opportunity.”
“This is not something where someone wakes up as says, ‘Let’s gotake a county tractor for a ride,'” Falvey said.
Tractor operator Maxie Brister said the keys were left with thetractor in order to quickly respond to downed trees or otherstorm-related problems when they happen. He said there had not beenany problems in the past with leaving the tractor at the vacanthouse.
Brister said the tractor was parked Thursday around 4:30 p.m. Itwas last seen at the house Sunday around 6 p.m.
Falvey also mentioned some political sign thefts and signvandalism in the area. He did not indicate whether the signactivity and the vandalism were connected.
District 3 Supervisor Nolan Earl Williamson was angered by thetractor vandalism.
“We’re going to do our best to catch whoever did that,”Williamson said.
Falvey estimated several thousand dollars of damage was done tothe tractor.
The tractor was dusted for fingerprints Monday morning.Authorities, though, said that may not yield results as quickly assome entertainment programs may suggest.
“TV makes this look a lot easier than it is,” said Deputy SudiePalomarez, citing some reasons — such as no criminal history –why authorities may not be able to match fingerprints to asuspect.
Falvey encouraged anyone with information about the vandalism tocall Crime Stoppers at 823-0150. Callers can anonymously leave tipsfor law enforcement to pursue.
“Somebody out there knows about this,” Falvey said. “There’scash rewards for this kind of information.”