Allen tells board of retirement plans
Published 5:00 am Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Bogue Chitto Attendance Center Principal Bobby Allen tenderedhis resignation to the Board of Education Monday night.
District officials were notified of his intention to resign lastweek, but Allen said he wanted to appear before them in person toensure them he was not upset with the district and hoped they werenot upset with him.
“I’m doing this with no hard feelings,” he said. “Nothing iswrong. This is a good district and you do a good job as a board.I’m one of the luckiest men I know because when I wake up in themorning, I’m still happy to go to work after 31 years. But I had anopportunity in business I didn’t feel I could turn down.”
The board members expressed their regret at his leaving, butwished him well with his business endeavor.
Sixteen of Allen’s 31 years in the education system are with theLincoln County School District. He has also served in the CentralOffice and as transportation and personnel director.
“He has distinguished himself at every place he served andLincoln County will miss him,” said Superintendent PerryMiller.
Allen said a business opportunity “sprung up” on him, and hebegan to consider his age and planning for retirement. He was notgoing to be able to make it on his district retirement alone, hesaid, and the business opportunity would allow him to work towardhis retirement.
Allen’s retirement becomes effective July 31, about a weekbefore school officially opens for students.
“I apologize for the time of year this is,” Allen said. “Irealize it’s bad timing, but I had not control over thattiming.”
Allen insisted he will do everything he can to ensure BogueChitto is ready to open before he leaves, and even suggested he maystay past his retirement date if necessary.
“I’ll do whatever I have to,” he said.
The board met in an executive session later Monday night todiscuss filling Allen’s position. No action was taken, Miller said,but the board did begin to compile a list of possiblereplacements.