CountryBrook cleared following inspection

Published 5:00 am Monday, June 16, 2003

CountryBrook Living Center has been cleared of all deficienciesfound during a recent inspection and the facility’s Medicarecertification will continue, nursing home officials saidFriday.

Tabitha Wroten, CountryBrook’s new administrator, saidrepresentatives of the Mississippi State Department of Health,Division of Licensure and Certification, had completely cleared thefacility of all outstanding deficiencies as a result of a recentinspection.

CountryBrook’s provider agreement with Medicare was scheduled toterminate Sunday. However, actions taken by the department, whichwere in keeping with facility and company expectations, assure thecontinuation of Medicare certification for the facility, Wrotensaid.

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“Addressing issues from our most recent survey in order tocontinue to serve our community has always been the goal andexpectation of our facility,” Wroten said in a prepared statement.”We were fully expecting departmental representatives to clear theoutstanding issues upon their return to the facility, which theydid today, and we look forward to meeting the needs of theresidents of our community through ongoing quality care in thefuture.”

Although facility officials may not agree with every surveyassessment, Wroten said, issues raised in the survey are taken veryseriously.

“There was never any doubt on our part that the facility wouldremain open and providing services – given that we immediatelyimplemented a plan of correction to respond to the requests of thesurveyors – and due to the hard work of our staff, which thedepartment recognized,” Wroten said. “We are proud of ourcare-giving staff, and honored to be a part of the community onbehalf of our residents and their loved ones.”

Joining Wroten in making the announcement was Elsie Hall,CountryBrook’s new director of nurses.

Both Hall and Wroten encouraged the residents of Brookhaven andthe surrounding areas to come and see for themselves the quality ofcare being delivered to the residents on a daily basis.

“We appreciate the support of the community, and look forward toa very strong and stable future,” Wroten said.