Obituaries for Thursday, May 22
Published 5:00 am Thursday, May 22, 2003
Pauline Martin Allred
Services for Pauline Martin Allred of Bogue Chitto were 11 a.m.,Wednesday, May 21, at Hartman Funeral Home Chapel in McComb withburial in Adams United Methodist Church Cemetery in the AuburnCommunity. Services were conducted by Dr. David Millican and theRev. Charles Brister.
Mrs. Allred, 82, died May 19, 2003, at Southwest MississippiRegional Medical Center in McComb. She was born in Lincoln Countyon Aug. 2, 1920, to Wise and Ada Martin.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of Adams United MethodistChurch.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, Troy D.Allred; a son, James E. Allred; her brother, Bennie Martin; hersisters, Geneva Case, Gladys Stewart, and Edna East; and agrandson, James E. Allred, Jr.
Survivors are her son and daughters-in-law, George and ElaineAllred, and Emily Allred, all of Bogue Chitto; her daughters andsons-in-law, Reba and Conrad Saurage of Prairieville, La., Sharonand Pete Young of Bogue Chitto, and Carlene and Tommy Statham ofMcComb; her brothers, Wesley Martin of Sulphur, La., and CharlesMartin of Brookhaven; her sisters, Ethel Stewart of Brookhaven andOra Nell Jarmin of Clarksburg, Va.; her very special sisters-in-lawand brothers-in-law; her grandchildren, Elwin Allred, Tony Allred,Rebecca Childers, Reuben Allred, Paul Allred, Robert Kennedy,Patrick Kennedy, Lynn Potter, Angela Sinclair, Jonathan Young, AmyBreckenridge and Kimberly Adams; and 22 great-grandchildren.
Pallbearers will be Elwin Allred, Tony Allred, Robert Kennedy,Patrick Kennedy, Dixon Sinclair, Conrad Saurage, Andy East andDavid East.
Julia Mercedes Dunaway
Services for Julia Mercedes Dunaway of Brookhaven are 10 a.m.,today at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burial in FriendshipBaptist Church Cemetery.
Mrs. Dunaway, 70, died May 20, 2003, at Baptist Medical Centerin Jackson. She was born in Lincoln County on June 10, 1932, toErnest Smith and Mamie Dell Callendar Smith.
She was retired from Stahl Urban Manufacturing Company. She wasa member of Friendship Baptist Church.
Preceding her in death were her parents; her husband, Alcus”Bill” C. Dunaway; a daughter, Zina Shirley; and a brother, RogerSmith.
Survivors are her daughter, Carla Marlene Knighten ofBrookhaven; her stepdaughters and their husbands, Denny and GaryBurch of Crystal Springs, and Mimi and Larry Stegall of Wesson; herbrothers, David Smith of Houma, La., Leo Smith of Collins, and DaleSmith and Andy Smith, both of Brookhaven; her sisters, JaniceFalvey of Jackson, and Rae Reeves of Brookhaven; and fivegrandchildren.
Johnny Edward Grimes Sr.
Services for Johnny Edward Grimes Sr., of New Hebron, are 2p.m., today at Wilson Funeral Home Chapel with burial in Old ArmCemetery.
Mr. Grimes, 60, died May 20, 2003. He was born in LawrenceCounty on Dec. 12, 1942, to John Luther Grimes and Ethel ChristineParker.
He was an oil field worker. He was a member of the Baptistfaith.
Preceding him in death were his parents.
Survivors are his wife, Pauline King Grimes of New Hebron; hissons, John E. Grimes, James D. Grimes, Paul S. Grimes and MatthewToby Grimes, all of New Hebron; his daughters, Judy Lynn Hartzog ofSilver Creek, and Heather F. Grimes of Monticello; his brother,Toby Grimes of Silver Creek; his sisters, Lillian Grimes ofMagnolia, and Elizabeth Smith of Brookhaven; and 11grandchildren.
Nell LaVerne Turnbough Smith
Services for Nell LaVerne Turnbough Smith of Brookhaven are 3p.m., Friday, May 23, at Brookhaven Funeral Home Chapel with burialin Rosehill Cemetery.
Visitation is today from 5-9 p.m., at the funeral home.
Mrs. Smith, 76, died May 20, 2003, at Countrybrook LivingCenter. She was born in Brookhaven on Sept. 15, 1926, to Jack EarlTurnbough and Carrie Mae Smith Turnbough.
She was a homemaker. She was a member of Heucks Retreat BaptistChurch. She was active in Farm Bureau and Lady CattlemenAssociation.
Preceding her in death were her parents; and one brother, JackMorris Turnbough.
Survivors are her husband of 54 years, Steve J. Smith ofBrookhaven; her son, Steve J. Smith Jr., of Brookhaven; herdaughter and son-in-law, Pat Smith Walker and husband Durr ofBrookhaven; her grandchildren, Kara Walker Nations of Flowood, andLeigh Anne Walker of Jackson; and one great-grandchild, TuckerNations of Flowood.