2 suspects caught after chase; one eludes authorities
Published 5:00 am Monday, May 19, 2003
A Louisiana man was in custody in the Lincoln County Jail Mondayfollowing an early morning chase that began with an accident inMcComb, authorities said.
Lincoln County Deputy Kevin Cartwright said the incident startedshortly after midnight following a three-vehicle hit and runaccident in the drive-thru lane at a McComb restaurant on DelawareAvenue.
Cartwright said one vehicle fled the scene and was pursued byanother up Highway 51. Lincoln County authorities said there was anunconfirmed report of shots fired in the Smithdale area in PikeCounty.
Once in Lincoln County, Cartwright said the fleeing car turnedonto Highway 84 and headed toward Interstate 55. The car, pursuedby Lincoln County Deputy Bobby Hathorn, then turned around and wentback south on Highway 51.
The car wrecked shortly below Highway 84 and three black malesfled into the woods, Cartwright said. Pike County, Wesson policeand Brookhaven police arrived at the scene to assist in asearch.
Paul Ray Martin, 19, address unavailable, was arrested and takento Pike County. Pike County authorities were unavailable forcomment.
Investigator Lance Falvey said Lincoln County charges againstMartin may be forthcoming pending the outcome of aninvestigation.
Later Monday, around 4:30 a.m., two other suspects were spottedriding bicycles on Highway 51 about a mile north of Bogue Chitto.Authorities believe the bicycles were stolen, but are unsure fromwhat residence.
“We’re still working on that,” Cartwright said. “We don’t knowwhere they were taken from.”
Cartwright said the suspects fled on foot into woods when heattempted to stop them. One man was apprehended around 7:30 a.m.near a Bogue Chitto convenience store after a citizen called in atip.
Samuel Salvadore Daniels, 18, of Harvey, La., was arrested andcharged with disorderly conduct, resisting arrest by fleeing andfailure to comply. Daniels, who had two loaded firearms when he wasarrested, remained in the Lincoln County Jail Monday morning.
“Other charges may be forthcoming, pending results of theinvestigation,” Falvey said.
A third suspect remained at large Monday morning. Authoritieswere continuing a search following a report of a possible spottingin the Bogue Chitto area.
Hathorn received a slight hand injury during the pursuit, Falveysaid. He was being treated at King’s Daughters Medical Center.
Falvey said both bicycles were recovered. He urged anyone in theBogue Chitto-Highway 51 area who may be missing a bicycle tocontact the sheriff’s department and provide a description.
Falvey said the tip that resulted in the second arrest was agood example of citizens helping law enforcement.
“When folks get involved in their community, good thingshappen,” Falvey said.