Gifted students enjoy field trip in Brookhaven
Published 5:00 am Friday, May 2, 2003
Brookhaven proved to be a “delightful” place to visit Thursdayfor a group of gifted elementary students from Jones County.
More than 100 third graders from the Star Reach Gifted Centerenjoyed a day of activities in the area on their annual fieldtrip.
“We were looking for something new and different, and one of ourteachers suggested Brookhaven. It turned out to be a great place,”said Carla Grussing, a teacher with the gifted program.
Grussing explained that the planning committee looks each yearfor an area within the state that provides a variety of hands-onactivities.
The students, traveling in three chartered buses, made stops atThe Posey Place to see how soap is made, the State Room for alesson in art, and Gym of Dreams for some play time.
“They have loved it,” said Grussing. “Anything they can do andbe able to take home is a bonus, especially the mugs theypainted.”
Each child had the opportunity to create their own design for acoffee mug. Brookhaven artist Rhonda Rayborn taught the childrenhow to paint the ceramic mugs with their designs.
“They were very well behaved and creative,” said Rayborn.
She plans to glaze and fire the works of art before shippingthem to the students.
Rayborn found that many of the students were quite talented andhad an interest in the arts. She introduced them to the idea of oneday coming back to Brookhaven to attend Mississippi School of theArts. She believes their field trip was very beneficial forBrookhaven.
“I feel like it’s a big commercial for Brookhaven,” shesaid.
During the day of fun-filled activities, the students andtheir12 accompanying teachers enjoyed a break with lunch at thetrain depot. The children were able to eat their sack lunchespicnic style while watching trains coming through Brookhaven.
The trip proved to be such a hit with the students that teachersplan on bringing other groups in the years to come.