Seasonal factors blamed for drop in sales tax return
Published 5:00 am Tuesday, April 29, 2003
Brookhaven sales tax collections slipped slightly in March,although the city still managed to stay above the $300,000 mark,said Chandler Russ, Brookhaven-Lincoln County Chamber of Commerceexecutive vice-president.
At $301,106.27, Brookhaven’s March 2003 total was down more than$9,700 from its March 2002 total of $310,889.51. Brookhaven ranked22nd in the state among top sales tax collectors.
“Some seasonal factors bumped us down,” said Russ, mentioningbaseball and basketball events in Starkville and Oxford that helpedboost those communities’ totals.
For the fiscal year to date, Brookhaven had taken in$2,866,159.94 in 2003. That was down $31,682 from the 2002 total of$2,897,841.52.
“It’s something where I hope we can have a significant reboundduring the remainder of the year,” Russ said, adding that he hadreceived positive feedback from automobile dealers and otherretailers recently. “They’re looking forward to a progressive2003.”
For the rest of the year, Russ was expecting monthly totals thatare comparable to last year or to 2001. Despite the March decline,Russ said Brookhaven’s position statewide and in the region wasstill good.
“We’re still a goods and service provider for southwestMississippi,” Russ said.
In other parts of southwest Mississippi, McComb collectionsslipped slightly to $354,231.983 in March sales tax. The March 2003total, which placed the city 18th in the state, represented adecrease of only $400 from the March 2002 total of $354,633.87.
In year-to-date totals, McComb had $3,276,037.20 in 2003 and$3,282,424.38 in 2002.
Also in Pike County, Summit businesses gathered $16,447.16 inMarch sales tax, an increase from last March’s $15,569.48. For theyear-to-date, the town’s 2003 total was $148,865.58, about $17,000behind 2002’s $165,397.65.
In Lawrence County, Monticello merchants took in $30,968.29 forthe city’s share of March 2002 sales tax, a slight decrease fromMarch 2002’s $31,210.33. The city’s 2003 year-to-date total stayedahead of its 2002 pace: $287,351.33 this year and $279,412.98 lastyear.
Wesson businesses’ March sales tax collections were down to$8,816.42, compared to $9,057.83 last March. Its year-to-date totaltrailed its 2002 pace with $82,584.40 this year and $89,323.57 lastyear.
To the west in Franklin County, Bude businesses rang up$6,621.30 for the town, a decrease compared to March 2002’s$6,816.32. For 2003, its yearly total was $67,603.95 and $73,475.90in 2002.
Meadville merchants took in $7,620.16 in March 2002, down fromMarch 2002 with $9,176.23. Yearly totals show the town with$73,340.66 in 2003 collections and $75,643.72 in 2002collections.