Auditions, renovations push MSA
Published 5:00 am Monday, April 14, 2003
Potential Mississippi School of the Arts students took anotherstep toward admission this weekend, and construction crews arecontinuing work on Whitworth campus buildings in preparation forthe school’s August opening.
Auditions began Friday afternoon at Copiah-Lincoln CommunityCollege in Wesson. Current-year sophomores are trying out to bepart of the first MSA class as juniors in the 2003-04 year.
“It’ll take us through Sunday,” said MSA Executive Director Dr.Vicki Bodenhamer about the audition process.
Bodenhamer said several students are auditioning in all threeareas of instruction that will be taught next year: theater, music,and visual arts.
Auditions include an interview and written assessment for allapplicants. Theater and music students will give a performance.Visual arts students will do an on-site drawing plus a portfolioreview of 12 original works, Bodenhamer said.
Accepted students will be notified by May 1, Bodenhamer said. Noless than 60 students will be admitted to live in thedormitory.
“We’re thinking about admitting more than 60 in the dorm,”Bodenhamer said, adding that there could be three students to aroom.
Bodenhamer did not have an estimate on the number of studentswho will be allowed to commute to campus.
“We didn’t get the number of commuting applications that peoplehad indicated,” Bodenhamer said. “Kids are really wanting to livein the dorm.”
Regarding the dorms and other campus construction activity,Bodenhamer reported good progress.
“Johnston Institute and the Y-Hut are moving full speed ahead,”she said about interior renovations to the buildings.
That project, which also includes new sidewalks and groundswork, is scheduled to be completed in June.
“The pretty weather has really helped a lot,” Bodenhamersaid.
Mark Golmon, project superintendent for Paul Jackson and Son,agreed.
“It’s coming fine,” Golmon said. “The weather’s helping us onsome of the outside things.”
Golmon said winter rains had workers a little behind, and theyare now making strides on catching up.
Bodenhamer said the Student Life Center, which will contain thedormitories, kitchen, library and other functions, is expected tobe finished by the end of the month. Also, Lampton Auditorium roofwork is nearly completed but some interior work remains.
Preliminary plans are being made for the restoration of theexterior of Elizabeth Cottage, Bodenhamer said. The work willinclude restoration of a three bay window porch, which will allow amore historically accurate configuration, she said.
Bodenhamer did not have a completion date on the cottageproject.
In the area of funding, Bodenhamer said school officials areawaiting Gov. Ronnie Musgrove’s signature on several budget bills.The bills will provide over $3 million to help the school open andfund the first year of operations.
Bodenhamer reported getting positive feedback on the hiringprocess. The school is expected to get 31 new employees, rangingfrom residential advisors, janitorial staff, security, supportstaff, teaching positions, a librarian, counselor and schoolnurse.
“We’re working toward posting the next position openings,”Bodenhamer said.