Voters opt for Peterson for tax assessor position

Published 6:00 am Wednesday, November 20, 2002

MONTICELLO — Interim Lawrence County Tax Assessor/CollectorJeff Peterson defeated Antrease Magee Autman in a special run-offelection for the post Tuesday.

Peterson led the vote count the entire night, quietly extendinghis lead as totals were announced.

“I’m happy, not just for myself, but for those people whoencouraged me and wanted me to have this,” Peterson said. “This isnot some political ploy. This has never been about me. This wasabout a good opportunity to make that an office that is looked uponas a well-run, efficient office. People expect that and it is up tome to provide it. I will work my very hardest to do that.”

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In complete but unofficial results, Peterson finished the nightwith 2,733 votes, or 61.05 percent, to Autman’s 1,738, or 38.82percent.

Neither candidate watched the count at the courthouse. Petersonstayed at home and came to the courthouse once he was notified ofhis victory. Autman watched the election from a nearbyrestaurant.

The run-off became necessary after the Nov. 5 general electionresults lifted Peterson and Autman over six other candidates forthe office. Autman finished first in the general election with1,612 votes, or 29.09 percent, to Peterson’s 1,230, or 22.20percent.

The special election was called after the resignation of formerTax Assessor/Collector Annette Applewhite, who resigned forpersonal reasons.

Peterson will serve out the rest of Applewhite’s term, whichexpires next year. He will have to hit the campaign trail againnext year to win the office for a full term.

Peterson broke with political tradition Tuesday and did not holda celebration party. He said he didn’t feel like a party wasnecessary and that, unfortunately, someone had to lose.

“What celebration there is, as little as it may be, absolutelyends tonight,” he said. “The people want a well-run, efficientoffice. I’ve got to prove that I am the man for the job. It’s up tome to perform. I would like to emphasize the celebration endstonight and the work begins first thing in the morning.”

He said he appreciated the support he has received fromresidents during his campaign.

“Thanks to all of those who, from the very beginning, encouragedme and showed their support. And to those who supported me in thelast two weeks,” he said.

Peterson said throughout the run-off campaign that voter turnout would be his best bid to win the race. Lawrence County posted anear county record 51 percent voting turn out during the generalelection, but had two other major statewide races to draw invoters. He said with only the local tax assessor/collector race onthe ballot for the run-off, he was “sweating” over whether thevoters would turn out.

“I think we had a really good turn out for a run-off election,”said Circuit Clerk Cindy Stokes.

Statistically, run-off election turn outs are lower than thosefor a general election. Tuesday was no different, but Stokes saidit was still strong with approximately 48 percent of voters castinga vote. The county has approximately 10,700 registered voters and4,479 voted Tuesday.